Let us be your Church musician
PC friendly site.
Approximately 17433 Public Domain MP3 music files that can be downloaded freely.
Organ MP3


Organ &
Piano MP3

Midi Files

PDF Scores

Band MP3

Piano & Instr.
+ Midi & MP3

3775 copyright recordings now available mymidi.audio site.

Enter selection criteria (tune, part of first line, composer, author):
or search using Google:
or select from the following styles/groups


Pipe Organ

Piano/Small Band

Hymn books

Liturgical Music


Video & Words

Midi Files

Organ Solos

Donating to the site

I am always very appreciative when users want to know how they can make a donation to cover the ongoing hosting costs. All sites associated with the smallchurchmusic.com are now provided by Christian or Christian supportive organisations, but they are always grateful for your support.

There are several ways you can assist:
1. Donate to those Christian sites that freely provide hosting services:
  • The main smallchurchmusic.com site is hosted by SongSurgeon.com and as is common these days they cover their cost through advertisements for their very useful music software. You can support them by purchasing their products.

  • A full copy of the site is hosted freely by WorthyOfPraise.org. This Christian site is funded by gifts from God's people. You can donate to them at http://worthyofpraise.org/donations.htm.

  • The hymnary.org site which is run by Calvin College has kindly offered to take all my organ and piano recordings, and make them available indefinitely on the web.
    You can show your appreciation to them by sending donation to them at: https://hymnary.org/donate_now.
2. Alternatively, I would prefer:

That during this Covid-19 crisis your church diverts the gift to reach out to help those struggling in your own area.

Thank you for thinking of helping me, but there are those closer to you who you alone can best hep.
(April, 2020)