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讚美詩-The New Hymnal, 1983

     1     圣哉三一歌, Nicea
     2     三一来临歌, Moscow
     3     万世之宗歌, Albany
     4     赞我天父歌, Revive us again
     5     亚伯拉罕的主歌, Leoni
     6     赞美三一歌, Festus
     7     夜尽光天歌, Christe Sanctorum
     8     众圣颂扬歌, Lasst uns Erfreuen
     9     颂主恩光歌, Heavenly Lights
   10     齐来谢主歌, Nun Danket
   11     荣归天父歌, William H. Doane
   12     颂主化功歌, Varina
   13     真美歌, Je Le Yin
   14     太阳颂, Subasio
   15     称谢歌, Truro
   16     慈父上帝歌, Loving Father
   17     创造奇功歌, Creation
   18     快乐崇拜歌, Hymn to Joy
   19     赞美上主歌, Lobe Den Herren
   20     荣耀大君王歌, Hanover
   21     赞父奇爱歌, Philip P. Bliss
   22     千古保障歌, St. Anne
   23     赞美歌, Kremser
   24     慈悲稳定歌, Monkland
   25     主爱辉煌歌, Louvan
   26     大地风光歌, Dix
   27     天父世界歌, Terra Beata
   28     万福泉源歌, Nettleton
   29     愿仍高唱歌, William J. Kirkpatrick
   30     天恩歌, Song of the Hoe
   31     慈悲圣父歌, Meng Jiang Nu
   32     万福之源歌, Usani
   33     赞主权能歌, Lischer
   34     称颂崇拜歌, Yue-han Long
   35     大哉圣名歌, Coronation
   36     贺他为王歌, Diadem
   37     美哉羔羊歌, Anonymous
   38     赞美耶稣歌, Joyful Song
   39     拥戴歌, Diademata
   40     荣耀归主名歌, Glory to His name
   41     颂赞主圣名歌, Blessed be the name
   42     尊贵名歌, Precious Name
   43     尊主歌, Hubbard
   44     主配受赞美歌, Thou Alone
   45     基督永长久歌, Everlasting Love
   46     赞美不尽歌, Saviour's Grace
   47     颂主歌, Praise The Lord
   48     道路真理生命歌, St. James
   49     主名甜美歌, Pisgah
   50     永生之爱歌, Serenity
   51     耶稣美名歌, Jasmine
   52     美哉主耶稣歌, Crusader's Hymn
   53     奇妙救主歌, Benton Harbour
   54     心向主宝座歌, Lord, Thou art worthy
   55     赞美主恩歌, Rescue
   56     上主之歌, Morecambe
   57     慈仁圣灵歌, Palgrave
   58     生命活水歌, Living Water
   59     圣灵歌, Ru Meng Ling
   60     圣灵光照歌, Dwell Within (Bera)
   61     吹气歌, Trentham
   62     圣灵运行歌, Feng Xiu Zhu
   63     圣灵来到歌, He has come
   64     主行新事歌, Horton
   65     求充满我歌, Fill me now
   66     以马内利来临歌, Veni Emmanuel
   67     晨星歌, Morning Star
   68     明星灿烂歌, Haun Sha Xi
   69     一轮明月歌, Yen Jing
   70     牧人闻信歌, St. Martin's
   71     平安夜歌, Stille Nacht
   72     君王诞生歌, Christmas Song
   73     圣诞佳音歌, The first Nowell
   74     新生生歌, Mendelssohn
   75     普世欢腾歌, Antioch
   76     齐来崇拜歌, Adeste Fideles
   77     小伯利恒歌, St. Louis
   78     马槽歌, Cradle Song
   79     圣夜静歌, Sheng Ye Jing
   80     圣诞夜歌, Carol
   81     三博士歌, Kings of Orient
   82     荣耀歌, Gloria
   83     欢乐佳音歌, Joyful Tidings
   84     圣诞感恩歌, Christmas Thanksgiving
   85     扬声赞美歌, Robert Lowry
   86     欢乐无穷尽歌, Narodil Se Kristus Pan
   87     然乘驴歌, St. Drostane
   88     无量荣光歌, St. Theodulph
   89     橄榄山头歌, Olive's Brow
   91     父旨成全歌, Sweet will of God
   92     城外青山歌, Stebbins
   93     十架永存歌, Old Rugged Cross
   94     领到各各他歌, Lead me to Calvary
   95     流血歌, Martyrdom
   96     在十字架歌, Hudson
   97     受难歌, Passion Chorale
   98     奇妙十架歌, Hamburg
   99     宝架清影歌, St. Christopher
 100     万古磐石歌, Toplady
 101     我有主耶稣歌, Song of the Yang-Ze boatman
 102     宝架歌, Rathbun
 103     我信主耶稣歌, I Believe
 104     复活良辰歌, Ellacombe
 105     战争完毕歌, Victory
 106     基督复生歌, Easter Hymn
 107     大启乐园歌, Llanfair
 108     主复活歌, Christ Arose
 109     喜乐良辰歌, Gelobt Sei Gott
 110     复活喜讯歌, Good news of resurrection
 111     救主升天歌, Ascension
 112     得胜君王歌, In Babilone
 113     大开城门歌, St. George of Edinburgh
 114     同声欢呼歌, Grigg
 115     耶稣升天歌, Ascension
 116     再无幽谷歌, Ira D. Sankey
 117     号筒吹响歌, Roll Call
 118     等主回来歌, Precious jewels
 119     必须儆醒歌, Woodstock
 120     审判日要来歌, Judgement Day
 121     将见我王歌, We shall see the King
 122     教会根基歌, Aurelia
 123     我爱教会歌, St. Thomas
 124     教会三自歌, Wu Han
 125     教会我所爱歌, En Ming
 126     基督教会歌, Churches of Christ
 127     我爱中国教会歌, Striving
 128     中华教会自立歌, Independence
 129     信徒相爱歌, Christian Love
 131     系连妙结歌, Dennis
 132     万方团契歌, Kilmarnock
 140     喜乐歌, Swabia
 141     高唱主名歌, Marion
 142     耶稣普治歌, Duke Street
 143     主定之日歌, Evan
 144     安息圣日歌, Hendon
 145     复兴主工歌, Revival
 146     礼拜散时歌, Greenville
 147     小鸟啼明歌, Consolation
 148     清晨歌, Le Ping
 149     每日新恩歌, Melcombe
 153     夕阳西沉歌, Eventide
 154     黄昏崇拜歌, Evening Praise
 155     晚间颂声歌, St. Clement
 156     我灵之光歌, Hursley
 158     晚祷歌, Yong Song Brook ©
 159     快乐日歌, Happy Day
 160     领受圣洗歌, St. George of Edinburgh
 161     天上欢乐歌, Ring the bells
 162     许愿歌, Angel's Story
 164     圣事中见主歌, Adoro Te
 165     擘开生命饼歌, Bread of Life
 166     爱筵我尝歌, Rockingham
 167     救世天粮歌, Eucharistic Hymn
 169     领受饼杯歌, Lord, we give thanks to thee
 171     倾降圣灵歌, Abends
 172     圣灵感化歌, Veni Creator
 173     圣堂纪念日歌, Yorkshire
 180     一年又过歌, Boylston
 185     恭行婚礼歌, Gratitude
 187     完全恩爱歌, Perfect Love
 188     孝亲歌, Filial Piety
 191     睡主怀中歌, Bradbury
 192     靠恩得救歌, Saved by Grace
 194     再相会歌, God be with you
 197     生命之道歌》, Words of Life
 198     听训歌, Rest (Whittier)
 200     圣言常存歌, Ravenshaw
 201     赐我圣经歌, E.S. Lorenz
 203     祷告良辰歌, Sweet hour of prayer
 205     不住祈祷歌, Pray Through
 206     赐福如雨歌, Showers of Blessing
 209     园中同行歌, In the Garden
 210     宝血宏恩歌, Welcome Voice
 211     流血之泉歌, Cleansing Fountain
 212     宝贵血泉歌, I will praise Him
 213     曾否就主歌, Washed in the blood
 214     依傍十架歌, Trusting
 216     近主十架歌, Near the cross
 217     主寻亡羊歌, The ninety and nine
 219     慈父呼召歌, Thompson
 221     主敲心门歌, St Hilda
 222     妙爱找我歌, O the love
 223     主肯进来歌, May I come in
 225     我来就主歌, Woodworth
 226     必须重生歌, Born Again
 227     求莫弃我歌, Pass me not
 229     白超乎雪歌, Whiter than snow
 230     荣耀释放歌, Glorious Frredom
 231     求来我心歌, Room for Thee
 233     降恩之主歌, Almsgiving
 234     主爱越久越深歌, Sweeter as the years go by
 235     主恩更多歌, His Grace Aboundeth
 236     时刻蒙恩歌, Moment by moment
 237     数算主恩歌, Blessings
 238     神圣纯爱, Beecher
 239     耶稣爱我歌, Jesus loves me
 241     敬听恩言歌, St. bees
 242     喜主爱我歌, Jesus loves even me
 244     我要耶稣歌, I need Jesus
 245     今要主自己歌, Himself
 246     慕主歌, St. Agnes
 247     满园芬芳, Orchid Bulb
 249     专爱耶稣歌, All of Thee
 250     我属耶稣歌, I am Thine
 251     每想到你歌, Zong-jie Mao
 252     主爱说不尽歌, More than tongue can tell
 253     爱不弃我歌, St. Margaret
 254     如今更爱主, Gordon
 255     爱主更深歌, More love to Thee
 258     耶稣领我歌, Aughton
 259     一路引导歌, All the Way
 260     善牧恩慈歌, Dominus Regit Me
 261     如有所闻歌, Pilgrims
 262     慈光歌, Lux Benigna
 263     主意尽美歌, Sometime we'll understand
 264     跟随我歌, Follow Me
 265     愿跟随主歌, Follow On
 267     闻主召我歌, Where He leads me
 269     求主操舵歌, Pilot
 270     天父看顾歌, Martin
 271     赐福救主歌, Bradbury
 273     神的应许歌, Grace sufficient
 274     耶稣同在歌, Where Jesus is, 'tis heaven
 275     求主带领歌, Fortitude
 276     信靠依顺歌, Trust and Obey
 277     我之所信歌, El Nathan
 278     仰望羔羊歌, Olivet
 279     主不改变歌, Yesterday, Today, forever
 282     靠主膀臂歌, Leaning on the everlasting arms
 284     时刻需主歌, Need
 285     一心靠赖歌, Fully Trusting
 286     靠主有福歌, Trusting the Lord
 287     主必保守歌, He will hold me fast
 288     时刻靠主歌, Trusting Jesus
 289     信中近主歌, Belmont
 291     安居主怀歌, Heart's Desire
 292     我灵镇静歌, Finlandia ©
 293     耶稣住我心歌, McDaniel
 294     平安在我心歌, Constantly Abiding
 295     享受平安歌, Gerald
 296     紧靠上主歌, Beatitudo
 297     心中阳光歌, Sunshine
 299     灵友歌, Martyn
 300     主是我万有歌, Elizabeth
 301     谷中百合花歌, Salvationist
 302     恩友歌, Eris (Converse)
 305     是否劳倦歌, Bullinger
 306     美妙声音歌, He keeps me singing
 308     主是我磐石歌, Shelter
 310     前行号令歌, St. Alben
 311     效法耶稣歌, Cana
 312     学象耶稣歌, Afro-American Spiritual
 313     我愿象主歌, Christlikeness
 314     成圣工夫歌, Holiness
 315     助我进深歌, Deeper
 316     颂主之心歌, Arlington
 319     荣美福地歌, Dwelling in Beulah Land
 320     往前走歌, Onward Go
 321     天程竞走歌, Christmas
 322     信徒精兵歌, St. Gertrude
 323     善恶两军歌, Hold the fort
 324     求赐智慧歌, Cwm Rhondda
 325     奋起歌, Webb
 326     万民奋兴歌, Lancashire
 327     坚固保障歌, Ein' Feste Burg
 328     天父加恩歌, More to Follow
 333     耶稣呼召歌, Galilee
 334     清心谦恭歌, Franconia
 335     永属上主歌, Pleyel's Hymn
 336     为你离天歌, Kenosis
 338     各有十架歌, Maitland
 339     立愿歌, Just as I am
 340     已负十架歌, Ellesdie
 343     一切献上歌, Surrender
 344     向主献呈歌, Schumann
 345     都归耶稣歌, All for Jesus
 346     奉献身心歌, Living Water
 347     爱传福音歌, Hankey
 348     任主差遣歌, Manchester
 351     与主偕行歌, Maryton
 352     遵旨做工歌, Canonbury
 355     恩光歌, Torch Bearers
 357     爱人歌, Alverstroke
 359     生活如光歌, Nox Praecessit
 361     我要真诚歌, Peek
 362     收成归天家歌, Bringing in the sheaves
 366     光照小地方歌, Brighten the corner
 367     赶快工作歌, Work Song
 371     有一福地歌, Happy Land
 372     光明处所歌, Regent Square
 373     仰望天家歌, Home Over There
 374     与主接近歌, Bethany
 375     赞慕福地歌, Sweet by and by
 376     劳碌已尽歌, Glory Song
 377     乐进天国歌, Heaven
 378     近乎上帝之心歌, McAfee
 379     诗篇二十三篇, Psalm 23
 382     诗篇一二一篇, Purpose Bamboo
 384     诗篇一五O篇, Mid Autumn
 399     三一颂, Old 100th

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