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All Hallows None other Lamb, none other Name

Ellasgarth None other Lamb, none other Name
Evensong Ere I sleep, for every favour
Llwyncoedwr Caneuon Ffydd - #200
Thanet Ere I sleep, for every favour
Benifold Glory, love, and praise and honour for our ©
Bonn Why should cross and trial grieve me?
Warum Sollt Ich Mich Denn Gramen All my heart this
W.F. Hurndall Jesu, Friend of the children
Puer Natus A Babe Is Born in Bethlehem
Carman Come, my soul, thou must be waking
Richter Come, my soul, thou must be waking

Meine Armuth Come, my soul, thou must be waking
Zpivejmez Vsickni Vesele Make songs of joy to
L.M. Linderman Born in Bethlehem
Stories of Jesus Tell me the stories of Jesus
My Lord and Friend I am alone, yet not alone ©
Oldown Lord Christ whose love has brought us here ©
Ar Hyd Y Nos Come and sing the Christmas story ©
Ar Hyd Y Nos For the fruits of all creation
Ar Hyd Y Nos God who made the earth
East Acklam For the fruits of all creation ©
Nutfield God, who made the earth
Southgate Through the love of God our Saviour
Bullinger I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus
Cuttle Mills I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus
Derwent Jesus, Friend of little children
Eastergate Holy Father, in thy mercy
St. Helen's Holy Father, in Thy mercy
Stephanos Art thou weary, heavy laden
Trust I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus
Westridge Holy Father, in Thy mercy
Unknown The Spirit lives to set us free
Geneva (Lowden) God, Who touchest earth with beauty
Pass Me Not God, who touchest earth with beauty
Quinquagesima God, who touchest earth with beauty
Salm Foreol With sunrise the morning with refrain
W. H.Doane Pass me not, O gentle Savior
Boe Praise the God who changes places ©
Guiting Power Christ triumphant, ever reigning ©
Angel Voices Angel voices ever singing
Eide Angel voices, ever singing
Magdalene Lord, You call us to your service ©
Angel Voices (Sullivan) Angel Voices, Ever Singing
Chun Seng God of love and truth and beauty ©
Groombridge Hail the sign, the Sign of Jesus
A.E. Rabary Happy are those who are choosen
M. Russell Your servant is blessed, O Jesus
Lyngham O for a thousand tongues to sing

Praise Come on, my partners in distress
Placerville The Kingdom we inherited ©
Dona Hail! sacred day of earthly rest
St. Cuthbert Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed
Wicklow Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathed
Wreford Hail! sacred day of earthly rest
J. Stainer Following Thy will
Detroit Forgive our sins as we forgive
Unknown (English Hymn) Forgive us, O Lord Jesus
Norwegian Melody Jesu Holy Baby
H.J. Gauntlett Jesu, we love Your Name
Unknown Jesus! how much Thy name unfolds
A. Randrianantenaina R. Let me taste your love
Bokin-kiran'ny Martiora Listen, o people!
Unknown O Christ, my King
W. Miller O land of rest, for thee I sigh
Ch. Rasoanaivo O, Father, see Your children
Unknown Our Father who created the universe
Union, 216 Save our soul
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy The Cross You've
Union The laws, God has given
N. Herman We are meeting here
Old 19th Cent Wise God
Abbey According to Thy gracious Word
Aberdeen Our Father, hear our longing prayer
Abergele Father of mercies, in Your Word
Abridge Be Thou my guardian and my guide
Abridge Behold the amazing gift of love
Abridge O for a heart to praise my God
Albano From Thee all skill and science flow
Amazing Grace Amazing Grace
Amy Good shepherd, take this little child ©
Antioch Joy to the world, the Lord is come!
Antioch No calendar will give the date
Arden Father of mercies, in Your Word
Arlington Am I a soldier of the cross
Arlington O for a thousand tongues to sing
Arlington This is the day the Lord hath made
Armenia All praise to our redeeming Lord
Arnold's Shepherd divine, our wants relieve
Ashwell Lord, it belongs not to my care
Azmon All praise to our redeeming Lord
Azmon O for a thousand tongues to sing
Balfour The Lord will come and not be slow
Ballerma Spirit Divine, attend our prayers
Bangor Alone now going forth, O Lord
Beati Immaculati As Now Thy Children Lowly Kneel
Beatitudo Father of mercies, in Thy Word
Beatitudo Give me the wings of faith to rise
Beatitudo Jesus, these eyes have never seen
Bedford According to Thy gracious Word
Beethoven God moves in a mysterious way
Belair How deep the riches of our God ©
Belgrave From Thee all skill and science flow
Belmont Be known to us in breaking bread
Belmont O for a closer walk with God
Belmont There is a fountain filled with blood
Belmont We bless Thee for Thy peace
Belmont When all your mercies, O my God
Beulah (Garrett) There is a land of pure delight
Billing Our God, we know your providence
Binchester Happy are they, they that love God
Bishopthorpe Blessed be the Everlasting God
Bishopthorpe Immortal Love, for ever full
Blackbourne O Lord, and Master of us all
Blackburn Thy kingdom come - on bended knee
Bocking Jerusalem, my happy home
Bouwerie I know not how that Bethl'hem's ©
Bradford I know that my Redeemer lives
Bristol Hark, the glad sound! The Saviour comes
Burford Lord, when we bend before Thy throne
Byzantium Come let us to the Lord our God
Byzantium Give me the wings of faith to rise
Caithness Christ, when for us you were baptised
Caithness Father of peace, and God of love
Caithness O God, to those who here profess
Capel Your words to me are life and health
Cheerful Come, let us join our cheerful songs
Chelsea Square Put forth, O God, Thy Spirit's ©
Cheshire Lord, it belongs not to my care
Chesterfield Hark, the glad sound! The Saviour
Chimes Lift up your hearts to things above
Chorus Angelorum Praise to the Holiest in the
Christmas While Shepherds watched
Christmas Candles Now shine a thousand candles
Christmas Eve How glad I am each Christmas Eve
Clinton What grace, O Lord, and beauty shone
Coleshill The Lord will come and not be slow
Collingwood Father, your church with thankfulness
Contemplation When all your mercies, O my God
Cornhill Lord Jesus, Sun of Righteousness ©
Crediton Blest morning, whose young dawning
Crediton The King shall come when morning dawns
Crimond The Lord's my Shepherd
Culross God, you have given us power
Culross My God, I love Thee - not because
Damascus Road This is the Spirit's entry now ©
Devizes Jesus hath died that I might live
Diana Jerusalem, my happy home
Dibdin Lord, it belongs not to my care
Dorking O Lord of life, Thy quickening voice
Downs As when the Hebrew prophet raised
Dublin See Israel's gentle Shepherd stand
Dundee Forgive our sins as we forgive
Dundee I to the hills will lift my eyes
Dundee Let saints on earth in concert sing
Dundee O God of Bethel by whose hand
Dundee The people who in darkness walked
Dunfermline Hail! holy, holy, holy Lord!
Dunlap's Creek For Thy blest saints
Dunstan Quite through the streets with silver sound
Durham When all Thy mercies, O my God
Eardisley Lord, I would own thy tender care
Eatington The Church triumphant in thy love
Edgware Now let us see Thy beauty, Lord
Edmonton O Zion, open wide thy gates
Elim My soul with expectation
Emmanuel Light up this house with glory, Lord
Emmaus Spirit divine, attend our prayers
Engedi Our God! our God! Thou shinest here
Epsom To Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love
Epworth Can we by searching find out God
Epworth Lamp of our feet, whereby we trace our path
Erin Come, Holy Ghost, your influence shed
Farnham From thee all skill and science flow
Farrant We thank Thee, Lord, for using us
Fingal How can we sing with joy to God
For all these things From mountain heights and ©
Forlines O Lord, the maze of earthly ways ©
Georgetown They cast their nets in Galilee ©
Gerontius Praise to the Holiest in the height
Glasgow Behold the mountain of the Lord
Godre'r Coed Thou who art worthy of all my
Graefenberg Lamp of our feet, whereby we trace our
Graefenberg Spirit Divine, attend our prayers
Grainger Workman of God! O lose not heart
Green Hill Who fathoms the eternal thought?
Green Hill (Peace) Lord, as to Thy dear cross we
Hampstead Come, Holy Ghost, Thine influence shed
Hampton While shepherds watched their flocks ©
Harington When all your mercies, O my God
Harvey's Chant With Joy And Gladness In My
Henbsury Thou great Redeemer, dying Lamb
Holy Innocents When Christ was born in Bethlehem ©
Holy Trinity Fountain of mercy, God of Love
Horsley There is a green hill far away
Howard We praise you, Lord, for Jesus Christ
Hunnys Lord, when we bend before thy throne
I do believe Father, I stretch my hands to Thee
Ich Singe Dir O Christ, our hope, our heart's
Irish God moves in a mysterious way
Irish How glorious Sion's courts appear
Irish O all ye works of God
Irish Through all the changing scenes
Italian Hymn Shepherd of tender youth
Jackson I'm not ashamed to own my Lord
Jackson Let Him to Whom we now belong
Jerusalem What shall I do my God to love, my loving
Kenwyn (Hopkins) There is no moment of my life
Kildean Father of peace, and God of Love ©
Kilmarnock Come, let us to the Lord our God
Kilmarnock Now let us see Your beauty, Lord
King's Norton O Jesu, King most wonderful
Lancaster My God, how wonderful Thou art
Land of Rest I come with joy to meet my Lord
Land of Rest Lord, bid your servant go in peace
Land of rest O thou who this mysterious bread
Leicester I am not worthy, holy Lord
Leigh Lord, when I turn my back on you ©
Lincoln Lord, in Thy name Thy servants plead
Lloyd Dear Lord, how precious is Thy blood
Lloyd Fill Thou my life, O Lord my God
London New God moves in a mysterious way
London New I sing the almighty power of God
London New O God, whom neither time nor space
Lucius All praise to our redeeming Lord
Lunenburg Help us to help each other, Lord
Lydia O for a thousand tongues to sing
Lynton Happy the heart where graces reign
Lystra Father, whate'er of earthly bliss
Maitland Must Jesus bear the cross alone
Manchester O God, we praise thee, and confess
Manchester The earth, O Lord, is one great field
Manoah Begin, my tongue, some heavenly theme
Marlow O God of truth, whose living Word
Marsh Chapel Awake, O sleeper, rise from death ©
Martyrdom/Avon Alas! and did my Saviour bleed
Martyrs O God of truth, whose living Word
McKee In Christ there is no east or west
Meditation Forever trusting in the Lord
Meditation There is a green hill far away
Melrose O God, thy power is wonderful
Mendip Dear Shepherd of your people, hear
Mendip There is a land of pure delight
Metzler Thou art the way: by Thee alone
Metzler's Redhead Jesu, our hope, our
Miles Lane All hail the power of Jesus' Name!
Montrose I sing the almighty power of God
Morna What shall I render to my God
Morning Sacrifice Now from the altar of our hearts ©
Morning Song My soul gives glory to my God
Morrison Awake, My Heart; Arise, My Tongue
Mylon Give me the wings of faith to rise
Naomi Now from the altar of my heart
Nativity Come let us join our cheerful songs
New England O who shall roll away the stone
Newbold Almighty Spirit, Now Behold
Newman Praise to the Holiest in the height
Northrop Sing to the great Jehovah's praise
Nox Praecessit Lamp of our feet, whereby we trace
Nun Danket All O dearest Lord, Thy sacred head
Nun danket all und bringet Ehr Come, let us
Nun Danket all und bringet Ehr Spirit Divine,
O God of Love O for a thousand tongues to sing
Oldham Street With joy we meditate the grace
Ortonville Majestic sweetness sits enthroned
Oswald's Tree Great Shepherd of Thy people ©
Oxford New O lift us up, strong Son of God
Patten Almighty Lord, with One Accord
Perry The people who in darkness walked
Pisgah Jesus, I love Thy charming Name
Praetorius (Fur Dein) Lift up your heads, ye gates
Relief There is a book, who runs may read
Richmond Awake, arise, lift up your voice
Richmond City of God how broad and far
Richmond Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire
Richmond Fill Thou my life, O Lord my God
Richmond Hark, the glad sound! the Saviour comes
Richmond O for a heart to praise my God
Richmond O for a thousand tongues to sing
Rodmell All things which live below the sky
Salisbury Our God! our God! Thou shinest here
Salzburg In memory of the Saviour's love
San Rocco Give us the wings of faith to rise ©
Sawley God make my life a little light
Seddon I know that my Redeemer lives ©
Selby O for a thousand tongues to sing
Sennen Cove How bright these glorious spirits ©
Serenity Immortal Love, for ever full
Shaddick Prayer is the soul's sincere desire ©
Shanti We come to You with no pretence ©
Shanti We walk by faith, and not by sight ©
Shorney How wondrous great, how glorious bright ©
Skelmorlie Lord, in the fullness of my might
Soho Come, let us to the Lord our God
Solomon Father of Jesus Christ, my Lord
Song 67 Give us the wings of faith to rise
Southill Thy Saints are crowned with glory great
Southwell There is a book, who runs may read
St. Agnes (Dykes) Jesus, the very thought of Thee
St. Agnes (Dykes) Come Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove
St. Andrew The Saviour died, but rose again
St. Anges (Dykes) Shepherd of souls, refresh and
St. Anne Begin, my tongue, some heavenly theme
St. Anne O God our help in ages past
St. Austin All as God wills, who wisely heeds
St. Bavon The Church of God a kingdom is
St. Bernard In Christ there is no East or West
St. Bernard Thy Word is like a garden, Lord
St. Botolph I come with joy, a child of God ©
St. Botolph We walk by faith, and not by sight ©
St. David Jesus, united by Thy grace
St. Etheldreda Shepherd Divine, our wants relieve
St. Flavian Alone now going forth, O Lord
St. Flavian Lord, who throughout these forty days
St. Flavian O God, unseen yet ever near
St. Flavian There is a book, who runs may read
St. Frances I would commune with Thee, my God
St. Francis Xavier My God, I love Thee; not because
St. Fulbert Fill Thou my life, O Lord my God
St. Gregory (Wainwright) With glorious clouds
St. Hugh Lord, it belongs not to my care
St. Hugh (Dovedale) He that is down needs fear no
St. James Thou art the Way, to Thee alone
St. Lawrence Our life is hid with Christ in God
St. Leonard (Smart) Lord, in the fulness of my
St. Magnus Begin, my tongue, some heavenly theme
St. Magnus The Christ who died but rose again
St. Magnus The Head that once was crowned with
St. Mary Alone now going forth, O Lord
St. Nicholas O send Thy light forth and Thy truth
St. Paul Father of peace, and God of Love
St. Peter How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds
St. Peter In Christ there is no East or West
St. Peter My God, accept my heart this day
St. Saviour Hark, the glad sound! the Saviour comes
St. Stephen Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire
St. Stephen With joy we meditate the grace
St. Stephens The King shall come when morning dawns
St. Timothy O Holy Ghost, Thy people bless
Stalham Quite through the streets with silver sound
Stockton Come, let us join our friends above
Storel Father, whose will is life and good
Stracathro Immortal Love, for ever full
Stracathro O for a thousand tongues to sing
Stroudwater When God of old came down from heaven
Tallis' Ordinal Come now, and praise the
Tallis' Ordinal The great Creator of the
Tallis` Ordinal Come, Holy Spirit, Lord of grace
Tallis` Ordinal Come, Spirit blest, Creator, come
Tallis` Ordinal O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace
The Saint's Delight In Adam we have all been
This Endris Nyght I come, the Great Redeemer cries
Tiltey Abbey Walk in the light: so shalt thou know
Tiverton I'm not ashamed to own my Lord
Tottenham Being of beings, God of love
Trefforest There are promises, a sweet feast
Treforian Be with us, O God our Father
Tudor Thy ceaseless, unexhausted love
Twenty-Fourth O Son of God, in Galilee
Tyddewi I will throw my burden down altogether
University O for a thousand tongues to sing
Vermont My singing is a prayer ©
Walden Almighty God, your word is cast ©
Walsall In suffering love the thread of life
Warwick My God! I know, I feel Thee mine
Waveney O Jesus Christ, within me grow
Westminster My God, how wonderful Thou art
Westminster New Lord Christ, true peace of all
Wetherby O Thou, who through this holy week
Weybridge And now the wants are told
Wigton Hear what the voice from heaven proclaims
Wiltshire The Lord's my Shepherd
Wiltshire Through all the changing scenes
Winchcombe When Christ was lifted up ©
Winchester Old While Shepherds watched
Windsor My God, how wonderful thou art
York The Lord will come and not be slow
Zeng Cheng O for a Heart to Praise My God © plus refrain
Children's Praises Around the Throne of God in with refrain
Coronation All hail the power of Jesus' Name!
Diadem All hail the power of Jesus' Name!
Minerva/Trust Come, every soul by sin oppressed with refrain
Landas My faith has found a resting place
I.D. Sankey O, Jesu, we are delighted by Your Love
Christmas Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve
Hermann (Nicolaus) What joy, to think of that vast
Hermon What Adam's disobedience cost
Lobt Gott, Ihr Christen The people that in darkness with refrain
Words of Life Sing them over again to me
Paradise (Barnby) O Paradise, O Paradise
Zimbabwe If you believe and I believe
St. Louis O Little town of Bethlehem
Arabia Father, I know that all my life
Brunswick Dismiss me not thy service, Lord
Highest Joy The highest joy that can be known
Lebanon Father, I know that all my life
Morning Song Awake, awake to love and work!
Morning Song Not here for high and holy things
Sheltered Dale Awake, awake to love and work
St. Silas Father, I know that all my life
Substitution O Christ, what burdens bowed Thy head
He made me He gave me eyes so I could see ©
Auch Jetzt Macht O North, with all thy vales of
Conquest O North, with all thy vales of green! ©
Harrogate O North, with all thy vales of green
O Jesu I look to thee in every need
O Jesu The Lord in wisdom made the earth
Palmyra Thou art the Everlasting Word
Yr Hyfryd Wlad He offers us his healing
L.M. Lindeman In the heaven, in the heaven
St. Martin (Sheppard) Out of the depths I cry to
L.M. Lindeman Happy is your little flock, O Jesus
Bechler Sing Hallelujah, Praise the Lord
Reality In silent pain the eternal Son ©
Staff of faith My faith, it is an oaken staff
Die Sach Ist Dein Lord Jesus Christ, the cause is
Danish Melody Thou art at Father's right hand
S. Randrianandraina We shout Hosanna
A purple robe A purple robe, a crown of thorn ©
Alice Caneuon Ffydd - #210
All Saints New The Son of God goes forth to war
Aurora The Lord is rich and merciful
Bethlehem Our Father, Thy dear Name doth show
Bourne In Christ there is no East or West
Carol It came upon a midnight clear
Charlotte Lord, who at Cana's wedding feast ©
Christmas Carol O little town of Bethlehem
Clonmel We praise thee with our minds, O Lord
Coe Fen How shall I sing that majesty which angels ©
Cripplegate I hoped that with the brave and strong
Crowle O Thou, in all Thy might so far
Crucis Victoria We praise you, Lord, for Jesus
Duncannon King of my life, I crown Thee now
Ellacombe Hosanna, Loud Hosanna
Ellacombe I sing the mighty power of God
Fight of Faith The Son of God goes forth to war
First Mode Melody Lord, teach us how to pray aright
Forest Green I sing the almighty power of God
Forest Green O Little town of Bethlehem
Halifax And have the bright immensities received
Haydn My heart is resting
Kingsfold I heard the voice of Jesus say
Kingsfold O Jesus, crowned with all renown
Kingsfold O sing a song of Bethlehem
Kingsfold When Jesus left his Father's throne
Ladywell O Thou eternal Christ of God
Land of Rest From Thee all skill and science flow
Land of Rest There is a voice
Laramie I know not where the road will lead ©
Leveque At Meribah - Psa 106:32-40
London New This is the day the Lord hath made
Lord of Life O Christ, who shared our mortal life ©
Maria's Lovsang My soul now magnifies the Lord
Marlow Am I a soldier of the cross
Materna America, the beautiful
Mount Sion O 'twas a joyful sound to hear
Newbury I love to think, though I am young
Noel It came upon a midnight clear
Noel Praise God for John, evangelist
Old 107th The roseate hues of early dawn
Old 137th How shall I sing that Majesty
Old 22nd O Unity of threefold light
Old 44th Jesus, if we aright confess
Petersham We limit not the truth of God
Republic O Lord, our God, Thy mighty hand
Rex Regum O King of kings, O Lord of hosts
Salvation When Stephen, full of power and grace
Sarah-Elizabeth I heard the voice of Jesus say ©
Second Mode Melody Behold the Bridegroom cometh
Soll's Sein How shall I sing that majesty
Spes Celestis How happy every child of grace
St. Leonard's (Hiles) The Galilean
St. Matthew O send your light forth and your truth
St. Matthew Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old
St. Matthew Your arm, O Lord, in days of old
Stettin (Nun Seht) The Son of God goes forth to war
The seven joys of Mary One human family God has
Third Mode Melody I heard the voice of Jesus say
Tregaron And have the bright immensities ©
Tyrolese A man there lived in Galilee
Union City If Christ has not been raised from death ©
Vox Dilecti I heard the voice of Jesus say
Welcome Guest Abide with me, 'tis eventide
Wellington Square When Stephen, full of power and ©
Weymouth Behold a sower! from afar © with hallelujahs
St. George`s Edinburgh Ye gates, lift up your heads
Ch. Rajoelisolo O Saviour Lord!
Ch. Rasoanaivo Our Lord Creator, Thy Holiness
Eternal Light Eternal Light! eternal Light ©
Gatescarth Give to me, Lord, a thankful heart ©
Georgia Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Hermann Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Newcastle Eternal Light! How pure that soul must be
Repton Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Rest Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Royal Fort Eternal Light! Eternal Light!
T. Willey O solemn hour
Whinney Hill The desolate Messiah dies ©

8.7. twelve lines
Morgenlied Christ is Risen! Hallelujah
Creator God Safe in the shadow of the Lord ©
Gevaert Here betwixt ass and oxen mild
P. Nilsen-Lund Take our heart now
Wir Glauben All (Metrical) We all believe in one
Ach, Was Soll Ich Sunder Machen O, how great is
Cobb Come, pure hearts, in sweetest measure
Resurrection Morning On the Resurrection morning
Vigil (Thalben-Ball) Soldier, go! Thy vow is spoken
L. Mason Jesu was dying
St. Leonards May the mind of Christ my Savior with refrain
Resting Jesus I am resting, resting
Welcome Each man and women raise your voice ©
Malagasy melody Be patient
Swedish melody, Zionstoner Children, remember when
Ch. - F. Voiglander Come to your Lord Jesu, O dear
J. C. Bitthauer Gazing on the Lord in Glory
Weigh Home Tune Book Holy and blessed Baby
O. Ahnfelt I wish to go back home
Consecration et Louange In the desert were many
Ach Gott Und Herr Strengthen for service, Lord the
Ae Fond Kiss Who would ever have believed it?
All for Jesus Holy Spirit, come confirm us
All For Jesus Through the night of doubt and sorrow
Alton Firmly I believe and truly ©
Animae Hominum There's a wideness in
Austria Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore Him
Barbara Allen My Lord of Light who made the worlds
Batty Sweet the moments, rich in blessings
Beng-Li For the bread which you have broken ©
Beth Loving Spirit, loving Spirit ©
Bishop Lord, you call us to a journey ©
Brocklesbury (Brocklesby) Jesus, tender Shepherd,
Chapel Brae Best of all is God is with us ©
Charlestown When He was baptized in Jordan
Chester Jesus calls us; o'er the tumult
Crashing Waters Crashing waters at creation ©
Cross of Jesus Come now, everlasting Spirit
Cross of Jesus Cross of Jesus, cross of sorrow
Cross of Jesus There's a wideness in God's
Deganwy Strengthen for service, Lord, the hands
Dominus Regit Me The King of Love my Shepherd is
Dorothy Fruitful trees, the Spirit's sowing ©
Dorothy Love in Christ is strong and living ©
Drake's Broughton See us, Lord, about the
Eagan Thou art worthy, Great Jehovah ©
East Dulwich He came to earth in poverty ©
Emmaus On the day of resurrection ©
Evening Prayer Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me
Evening Prayer Saviour, breathe an evening blessing
Felicity Loving Spirit, loving Spirit ©
Galilee (Jude) Jesus calls us: o'er the tumult
Glenfield When he was baptized in Jordan ©
Goldschmidt (O Der Alles) Days and moments quickly
Gott Des Himmels May the Grace of Christ Our
Gott Will's Machen God Whose farm is all
Halton Holgate God of saints, to whom the number
Halton Holgate In Your mercy, Lord
Halton Holgate May the grace of Christ our
Hardwicke The King of love my Shepherd is
Hartley Wintney Holy Spirit, come confirm us
Heavenly Dove Heav'nly Spirit, gentle Spirit ©
Herald Jesus calls us! o'er the tumult
Ich Liege, Herr, In Deiner Hut I lie, O Lord, ©
Iphigenia Sweet the moments, rich in blessing
Kas Dziedaja By the Babylonian rivers
Laus Deo At Your feet, our God and Father
Laus Deo Hearken to the anthem glorious
Laus Deo Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore Him
Love Divine (Stainer) At this table we remember
Love Divine (Stainer) Love divine, all loves
Malabar Strengthen for service, Lord, the hands ©
Marching Father, hear the prayer we offer ©
Marching Praise our God, the great Creator ©
Newton Ferns Christ, above all glory seated!
Omni Die Come, you people, come adore Him
Omni Die For the bread which you have broken
Parsifal O King most high of earth and sky
Pedigree Not the powerful, not the privileged ©
Petersen May the grace of Christ our Saviour
Proch Savior in thy love abiding
Rathbun In the Cross of Christ I Glory
Renewed Glory be to God, Creator ©
Restoration Jesus calls us o'er the tumult
Ringe Recht May the grace of Christ our Saviour
Sardis May the grace of Christ, our Savior
Sefton Mighty God, while angels bless Thee
Shansi Shades of darkness are now dispersed
Sharon May the grace of Christ our Saviour
Sharon (Boyce) Christ who welcomed little children
Sharon (Boyce) Come now, everlasting Spirit
Sharon (Boyce) Firmly I believe and truly
Shipston God whose farm is all creation
Sicilian Mariners Come, O everlasting Spirit
Slingsby Day by day we magnify Thee
St. Andrew Father, sending Your anointed Son to
St. Andrew Jesus calls us! o'er the tumult
St. Andrew (Thorne) Come, rejoice before your Maker
St. Mabyn There's a wideness in God's mercy
St. Oswald In the Cross of Christ I Glory
St. Thomas Lo! He comes, with clouds descending
Steiner O Most Mighty! O Most Holy!
Stenka Razin Praise to God, almighty maker
Stuttgart Come, Thou long expected Jesus
Stuttgart Earth has many a noble city
Stuttgart God, my King, Thy might confessing
Sussex Father, hear the prayer we offer
Sussex God is love, His mercy brightens
The servant song Brother, sister, let me serve you ©
Trust Call Jehovah thy salvation
Unser Herrscher God is love: His mercy brightens
Waltham (Albert) Father God, the Lord, Creator
Wellesley There's a wideness in God's mercy
Wilmot Happy soul who sees the day
Wraysbury God is good; we come before Him
Wychbold In the Cross of Christ I glory
Yong Song Brook This day's work is now © iambic
St. Columba The King of Love my Shepherd is with refrain
E.A. Hoffman Christ has for sin atonement made
W. Kirkpatrick Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus
Hansom Place Shall we gather at the river
Heaven Sing the wondrous love of Jesus
Precious Name Take the Name of Jesus with you
Surrender All to Jesus I surrender
Bryn Calfaria Lord, enthroned in heavenly
Meine Hoffnung All my hope on God is founded
Michael All my hope on God is founded
Crystal Spring Be strong, O! My friend
G.F. Root Jesu, the good Friend
O Jerusalem, du Schone O'er the distant
Tonbridge School Lord, behold us with Thy blessing
Was Gott Tut What God ordains is always good
Sunday School Union Comfort the distress people, O
H. Smart Look at our Lord
Ira D. Sankey O enlightened Spirit, lead us now
Vesper Hymn O! Bless our family
Ch. Rasoanaivo The devotee is gone away
E.J. Hopkins The Friend of the sinners
H.H. McGranahan There is a very good law
Bryn Calfaria Christ is coming!
Bryn Calfaria God of grace and God of glory
Bryn Calfaria Guide me O Thou Great Jehovah
Caersalem Give us a new blessing
Caersalem O'er the gloomy hills of darkness
Cantique évangélique The Creator makes our
Consolation (alt) Jehovah, mighty Father! We are
Coronae Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious
Dismissal Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing
Dwyfor Heavenly Father, hear our prayer
Eton College Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing
Jordan Jesus, Lord of life and glory
Lewes Savior, like a shepherd lead us
Libera Nos Come, ye souls by sin afflicted
Llanilar Jesu, Lord of life and glory
Llwynbedw Jesus, Jesus, thou art sufficient
Peniel Thou, O God, the Holy One
Pilgrimage God almighty, in Thy temple
St. Garmon My times are in your hands
St. Raphael Jesu, Lord of Life and glory
Woodford Green Angels from the realms of glory
Worcester (Whinfield) Glory be to God the Father
Ein Feste Burg (Rhythmic) A mighty fortress is our
Bridegroom Like the murmur of the dove's song ©
Bridegroom Not for tongues of heaven's angels ©
Ein` Feste Burg A mighty fortress is our God
Arnsberg Grant us to see anew
Bryn Myrddin Great Was Christ In Eternity
Dolfor Give us thy guidance
Gweddi Wladgarol Remember our country, gracious
Greensleeves What child is this who, laid to
God of Healing When the bonds of love ©
St. Andrew (Hurd) Jesus calls us; o'er the
Worship Lord Jesus, from Thy throne above
Jesu Joy Come with us, O blessed Jesus
Werde Munter Come with us, O blessed Jesus
Anonymous Lord, Thy love has sought and found us
W. Schulthes Who are these coming people?
All Saints Christ is risen, Christ is risen
All Saints One there is, above all others
All Saints Who are these like stars appearing
Almondsbury Almighty Father, Lord Most High
Bethlehem Never in all human story
Dana One there is, above all others
Dretzel Through the day thy love has spared us
Evensong Thou to whom the sick and dying
Fortunatus New When, O God, our faith is tested ©
Gott Des Himmels He is risen, He is risen
Gounod One there is, above all others
Hela Varlden Jesus, Lord, and precious Saviour
Kalmar Praise the Lord, each tribe and nation
Komm, o komm, du Geist Through the day Thy love
Loven Herren Praise the Lord, all praise and
Lux Prima Come, O come, Thou quickening Spirit
Magister/Ottawa Master speak! Thy servant heareth
Morgen, Kinder Master, speak! Thy servant heareth
Naar Mit Oie (Consolation) Come to Calvary's
Neander (Unser Herrscher) Come, you people, raise
Neander (Unser Herrscher) God of love and God of
Neander (Unser Herrscher) He is risen, He is risen!
Pant-Gwyn In Thee, Lord, we rejoice
Requiem Thou to whom the sick and dying
Unser Herrscher Open now thy gates of beauty
J.A. Josephson Jesu is knocking at the door of your
Freu dich sehr O'er Jerusalem Thou weepest
Mirjana There is joy among the angels
L. Bourgeous Who want to keep company
Bourgeois Joy and triumph everlasting
Der Am Keruz Jesus, grant that balm and healing
Psalm 42 (Freu Dich Sehr) Comfort, comfort ye My
Christ Lag In Todesbanden Christ Jesus lay in
Genevan 25 Lord, to You my soul is lifted
Da Pacem Grant peace, we pray
Verleih Uns Frieden Grant peace, we pray
I.D. Sankey This is the joyful day
Ad Perennis Light's abode, celestial Salem
Andrews Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven
Ardudwy Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle
Ascended Triumph Up through endless ranks of angels ©
Black Madonna Mary, blessed grieving mother ©
Braden Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious ©
Bryntirion Thou who sentest thine Apostles
Calvary Lord of life, and King of glory
Chen Chih Christians, lift your hearts and voices ©
Collaudemus Portal of the world's salvation
Corfe Mullen Glory be to God the Father
Dismissal Speed Thy servants
Dulce Carmen Alleluia, songs of gladness
Dulce Carmen Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
Eden Church Christ is made the sure foundation ©
Feniton Court Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
Finnian Praise the Spirit in creation ©
Fortunatus New Christ, the Lord of hosts, unshaken ©
Grafton Christ is made the sure Foundation
Grafton Now my tongue the mystery telling
Grafton To the Name of our salvation
Helmsley Lo! He comes, with clouds descending
Jesu Namn Jesus, Jesus, name most precious
Julion Praise the Spirit in creation ©
Lauda Anima Praise with joy the world's Creator
Lauda Anima Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven
Laus Et Honor Fill your hearts with joy and ©
Lingwood God of grace and God of glory
Mannheim Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
New Malden Herald, sound the note of judgement ©
Obiit God, whose city's sure foundation
Oriel Blessed city, heavenly Salem
Oriel To the Name of our salvation
Pange Lingua Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle
Picardy Earth was waiting, spent and restless
Picardy Let all mortal flesh keep silence
Picardy Love will be our Lenten calling
Picardy Praise we now the saints and martyrs
Regent Square Angels from the realms of glory
Regent Square Christ is made the sure Foundation
Regent Square Glory be to God the Father
Regent Square God of grace and God of glory
Regent Square Holy Father, great Creator
Regent Square Lo! He comes, with clouds descending
Rhuddlan God of grace and God of glory
Rhuddlan Judge eternal, throned in splendour
Rousseau Gracious Saviour, gentle Shepherd
Sicilian Mariners Lord, dismiss us with Thy
Sicilian Mariners Saviour, like a shepherd
Sieh, Hier Bin Ich Jesus came, the Heavens adoring
Song of Praise Voices raised to You we offer ©
St. Helen Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour
St. Helen Thanks to God whose Word was spoken
St. Leonard (Bach) Judge eternal, throned in
St. Thomas (Webbe) Sing my tongue, the
Tantum Ergo (No 2) Of the glorious Body telling
Tillflykt Give, O Lord, unto thy servant
Triumph Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious
Union Seminary Draw us in the Spirit's tether ©
Urss Coelestis Christ is made the sure Foundation
Westminster Abbey Christ is made the sure
Af Himlens Your Word, O Lord, is gentle dew
Ahlen The earth adorned in verdant robe
Corde Natus (Divinum Mysterium) Of the
CWM Rhondda Full Salvation!
CWM Rhondda Guide me O Thou Great Jehovah
C.E.F. Weyse Father is certainly love
Lasset Uns Mit Jesu Ziehen Let us ever walk with
Valborg Anderssen, 1851-1935 Jesu, Source of the
Bethany (Smart) Love divine, all loves excelling
Christ, Unser Herr To Jordan came the Christ, our
Elvet Banks To Jordan came the Christ, our Lord ©
Dies Ist Der Tag Thou hallowed chosen morn of
Eisenach Thou hallowed chosen morn of praise
Herr, Ich Habe Missgehandelt Lord, to You I make
Irby Once in Royal David's City
Mach's mit mir, Gott Come, follow Me, the
Nic. Decius Our Father in heaven
Andrianjafy, Antsirabe Thank You, O Jesus
J. Klug Think over, O sinner
Ach Gott vom Himmel O Lord, look down from heaven
Allein Gott in der Hoh Across the sky the shades of
Allein Gott in der Hoh' All glory be to Thee,
Aus Tiefer Not From depths of woe I cry to Thee
Dettington Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling-place
Du Lebensbrot, Herr Jesu Christ Lord Jesus Christ,
Elberfeld Lord Christ, when first Thou cam'st
Elbing Give praise and glory unto God
Es ist das Heil All who believe and are baptized
Es Ist Das Heil Salvation unto us has come
Es Ist Gewisslich The day is surely drawing near
Fisk of Gloucester Lift your voice rejoicing ©
Herr, Wie Du Willst Lord Jesus Christ, life-giving
Irvine Waterside We come unto our father's God
Lobt Gott Den Herren Sing praise to God who reigns
Luther Lord, you have been our dwelling-place
Luther's Hymn Great God, what do I see and
Mit Freuden Zart Lord Christ, when first thou
Mit Freuden Zart Sing praise to God
Nun Freut Euch Dear Christians, one and all rejoice
The Golden Chain We come unto our father's God
To God on High We come unto our father's God
L.M. Linderman Thou, the Lord of my life
Bachofen God's own child, I gladly say it
Ermuntre Dich Break forth, O beauteous heavenly
Jesu, Meines Lebens Leben Christ, the life of all
M. Weisse A giving happiness Baby
P. Nilsen-Lund This sweet Noel
M. Weisse This sweet Noel
An Wasserflussen Babylon A Lamb goes uncomplaining
M.B. Landstad Lord Creator doesn't want to
Ives I have one deep, supreme desire ©
Montclair Now before you, Lord, we gather
Evening Hymn Evensong is hushed in silence
Cleveland Lord, you sometimes speak in wonders
W.A. Mozart Accept our works, O sweet Lord
James McGranahan Alleluia, praise your Lord
C. Roberts Alleluia, praise your Lord
P.P. Bliss Be happy, my friend!
Ramboatina Blessed Lord Jehovah, we are meeting
I.D. Sankey Cling hard to the blessed Rock
J.A. Freylinghausen Come on, O heart and spirit
Randrianjafy Father Jehovah our Protector
Centenary Missionary Hymnal Frightened sea
H. Rabeony Hallelujah, Hallelujah! Jesu is my
T.E. Perkins Have mercy on our country, O Lord
A.R. Randrianantenaina Help us, O sweet Lord
J.R. Sweney How kind is Jesu
J. Hughes I don't want anything, O Lord
Radaniela Jehovah, Father and Creator
T.C. O'Kane Jehovah, mighty Father
G.F. Root Jesu, Elder and full of love
J. Rajaonah Listen the call of the Lord
Sunday School Union Now I see, my friend, Jesu is
H. Lutteroth Now I see, my friend, Jesu is the
Elevine Heede O Enlightened Spirit, we long for You
H.P. Main O! The whole country
P. Nilsen-Lund O, Jesus our Assurance
K.C. Wong Our church now is self reliant
J.P. Holbrook Our life is a valley of tears
I.D. Sankey Remember, O sinner
Zulu Melody Sunday, blessed day
I.D. Sankey Take my hand Jesus
J. McGranahan The angel's voices are really
Anglican melody The mourners who are upset
R. Rafihavanana The soul which is thirsty
G.C. Stebbins Thou art really alive
W.F. Sherwin Wake the song of joy and gladness
Pilgrimssonger We were baptized
F. Ambresin Where may I find
Adrian Once to every man and nation
All the Way All the way my Savior leads me
Alleluia Alleluia! sing to Jesus!
Alleluia Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee, God of
Alta Trinita Beata Blessed feasts of blessed
Arfon God has spoken by His prophets
Armstrong There's a wideness in God's
Arwelfa Lord, give me quiet rest
Austria Christ is risen, Christ is living
Austria Earth, with all thy thousand voices
Austria Glorious things of Thee are spoken
Austria Heaven is here, where hymns of gladness
Austria Not alone for mighty empire
Austria Praise the Lord, let heaven adore Him
Austria Raise the psalm: let earth adoring
Austria Sing a new song to Jehovah
Austria We are called to be God's people
Authority Silenced! frenzied, unclean spirit ©
Beach Spring As we gather at Your table
Beach Spring Lord, whose love in humble service
Beach Spring We are trav'lers on a journey
Beach Springs Come, ye sinners, poor and needy
Beecher God has spoken by His prophets
Beecher God, our Father, we adore Thee
Beecher Love divine, all loves excelling
Beecher There's a wideness in God's mercy
Bishopgarth To Thee, O God, our hearts we raise
Blaenwern Love divine, all loves excelling
Blaenwern What a Friend we have in Jesus
Bradbury Savior, like a shepherd lead us
Bryn Wgan Dear Lord, we thank you
Calon Lan I will sing the wondrous story
Calon Lan What a Friend we have in Jesus
Central Christ is risen, Christ is living ©
Chartres Saw you never, in the twilight
Constance I've found a Friend, O such a Friend
Contemplation Lord, Thy ransomed Church is waking
Converse/Erie What a Friend we have in Jesus
Corinth Come, Thou Fount of every blessing
Corvedale There's a wideness in God's ©
Courage, Brother Courage, brother! do not stumble
Daily Daily Join the song of praise and protest
Daniel's Tune Praise the Lord! ye heavens ©
Deerhurst God has spoken by His prophets
Dim Ond Isesu Show me how to stand for justice
Diolch a chan Great Lord of heaven and earth
Dusseldorf Mighty God, while angels bless Thee
Ebenezer Come Thou fount of every blessing
Ebenezer O the deep, deep love of Jesus
Ebenezer Once to every man and nation
Ebenezer Through the night of doubt and sorrow
Ebenezer (Ton-y-Botel) Singing songs of expectation
Ebenezer (Ton-y-Botel) Thy strong word did cleave
Ellesdie It is good to sing Thy praises
Esther O to fathom this great knowledge
Everton Lord, her watch Thy Church is keeping
Exile Holy Spirit, ever dwelling
Exultation Earth, with all thy thousand voices
Faben Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore Him
Festival We are called to be God's people
French Air The chief Cornerstone Thou art, Lord
Friend I've found a Friend, Oh, such a Friend!
Gaelic Jesus calls us here to meet Him
Galilean Hark, the voice of Jesus calling
Galilean Hark, the voice of Jesus crying
Garthowen Wondrous love! who may extol it?
Geneva (Day) Not alone for mighty empire ©
Golden Sheaves Though we, O Lord, no fields have
Golden Sheaves To Thee, O Lord our hearts we raise
Hallelujah Hallelujah! sing to Jesus
Heanish Thanks for friends who keep on loving ©
Hermon Father, Lord of all creation
Holy Manna Blessed feasts of blessed martyrs
Holy Manna Holy Spirit, ever dwelling
Hope Saviour, sprinkle many nations
Hyfryd Lais Renew my spirit, Lord
Hyfrydol Alleluia! sing to Jesus!
Hyfrydol Come, Thou long expected Jesus
Hyfrydol Hail Thou once despised Jesus
Hyfrydol Hallelujah! sing to Jesus
Hyfrydol I will sing the wondrous story
Hyfrydol Love divine, all loves excelling
Hymn to Joy Christ is risen! Shout Hosanna!
Hymn to Joy God, who stretched the spangled heavens
Hymn to Joy Hear what God the Lord hath spoken
Hymn to Joy Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee
In Babilone Hail Thou once despised Jesus
In Babilone Holy Spirit, ever dwelling
In Babilone See the Conqueror mounts in triumph
In Memoriam Lamb of God, Thou now art seated
Jefferson Who are you who walk in sorrow
Joyous Light When You woke that Thursday morning ©
Kilve In an age of twisted values ©
Lammets Folk In your temple courts, O Father
Le Thoronet God, who stretched the spangled heavens ©
Llanddwyn Lord of every secret
Llanrwst Praise God for the word of life
Llansanna Who is this so weak and helpless
Love Divine (LeJeune) Love divine, all loves
Lugano Son of God, eternal Saviour
Lux Eoi Alleluia, alleluia! Hearts to Heaven
Lux Eoi Listen to the shouts of praises
Manor House Jesus Christ, my heart's true
Mead House God has spoken by His prophets ©
Mississippi Jesus, once with sinners numbered ©
Moriah Holy Lord, exalted
Moriah Love Divine, all loves excelling
Moultrie Hark the sound of holy voices
Moultrie Round the Lord in glory seated
Nettleton Come, Thou Fount of every blessing
Nettleton Praise the One who breaks the darkness
Newport News Angel hosts in bright array
Norse Air To Thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise
Nos Galan Now the joyful bells a-ringing
O Du Liebe Meiner Liebe Jesus, refuge of the weary
O Durchbrecher Hail, O source of every blessing
O Mein Jesu, Ich Muss Sterben Stricken, smitten,
Ode to Joy Sing to God new songs of worship
Pennant Here is love, vast as the ocean
Pilgrim Brothers God is with us
Pleading Saviour Cradled in a manger
Pleading Saviour Sing of Mary, pure and lowly
Pond Street Son of God, eternal Saviour ©
Praise Praise the Lord! ye heavens, adore him
Preseli God who brings the spring
Raquel Sing of Mary, pure and lowly ©
Revive Us There's a wideness in God's mercy
Ripley Lord, with glowing heart I'd praise
Rustington God, we praise You, God, we bless You
Rustington Lord of light, Your name outshining
Rustington Round the Lord in glory seated
Rustington Sing we of the blessed Mother
Saltash Light of those whose dreary dwelling
Salvator (Jewson) Heavenly Father, Thou hast
Sanctus (Richards) Round the Lord in glory seated
Schumann God of love, you freely give us
St. Asaph Through the night of doubt and sorrow
St. Chad Lord, with glowing heart I'd praise
St. Gall To thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise
St. Winifred Cradled in a manger
Stranmills Called by Christ to be disciples ©
Supplication Son of God, eternal Saviour
Sze Ling God is here; as we His people meet ©
The wise men Saw you never, in the twilight
Transformation Christ has risen while earth ©
Tyrolese Air Heavenly Father, send Thy blessing
Vesper Hymn Saviour, breathe an evening blessing
Vision Hark the sound of holy voices
Walnut My soul proclaims with wonder ©
Wangford Holy Spirit, ever dwelling ©
Was Mein Gott Will The will of God is always best
Weisse Flaggen When the morning stars together
Westminster Love divine, all loves excelling
Wetterling Jesus, refuge of the weary
Wurzburg Savior, quicken many nations
Yn Y Glyn Once to every man and nation
Yr Hun Gan Holy Spirit, gift bestower
Zulu Melody Jesus' name! Oh, let me sing it
Zum Frieden There's a wideness in God's with refrain
John R. Sweney Tell me the story of Jesus
Gelobet Sesit Du O Jesus Christ, all praise to Thee
C. Borvhgrevink Our Lord Jesus was raised by the
All of Thee O the bitter shame and sorrow
Llanherne Angels holy, high and lowly
Windermere Angels holy, high and lowly
Beverley Thou art coming, O my Savior

J. H. Hopkins Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
Caraf Yr haul I love the bright sun
Fritwell Forget them not, O Christ, who stand
Tilak Prayer to a heart of lowly love

St. Bartholomew's To Thee, O Comforter Divine
Larnelle Harris I give all my service to You ©
Snowden As Thirsts the Hart for Cooling Flood
Alfred Burt O hearken ye who would believe ©
Unknown Lord, Thou has won, at length I yield
Ch. Rasoanaivo We meet here
Kirkwood No temple now, no gift of price ©
Meribah May we Thy precepts, Lord, fulfill
Venetia And am I only born to die?

Advent (Plymouth) Lord, in thy presence dread and
Americus How happy are the little flock
Buddugoliaeth O Thou who hast redeemed of old
Chapel Royal Spirit of wisdom, turn our eyes
Cornwall O Love Divine, how sweet Thou art!
Cornwall We sing of God, the mighty source
Frances Ye righteous, in the Lord rejoice
Grosvenor Jesus, Thou soul of all our joys
Hull Light of the world, Thy beams I bless
Lothian Lord, grant us, like the watching five
Magdalen College We sing of God, the mighty source
Manna (Schicht) Not far beyond the sea, nor high
Pembroke Spirit of wisdom, turn our eyes
Plymouth O Lord, how happy should we be
Praise O glorious hope of perfect love!
Purleigh Thee, Jesus, Thee, the sinner's
St. John (Welsh) Can I forget bright Eden's
St. Justin O God, to whom the faithful dead
Traveller Thou great mysterious God unknown
A.P. Berggreen The Loving Saviour is calling
De Profundis To my humble supplication
Urquell Aller Seligkeiten Virgin born, we bow
Psa 86 Virgin born, we bow before Thee
Jesus Christus, Unser Heiland Jesus Christ, our
L.M. Lindeman O Jesus! We, who are invited, are
R. Auberlin O, Jesus! We, who are invited, are here
Ach Herr, du allerhochster Gott The Lord ascendeth
Alles Ist An Gottes Segan Praise the Lord, rise up
Alles ist an Gottes Segen (Konig) Come, pure
Philip Nicolai O, Let us sing, Jesus is born
P. Nilsen-Lund Listening Your words is delightful,
Geh' Aus, Mein Herz Go out, my heart, and seek

H.O.C. Zinck Let us behold the Lamb
Alles Ist An Gottes Segen All depends on our
Emyn Hwyrol Heavenly Father, it is dark again
Evening Hymn Father, in high heaven dwelling
Mainz At the cross her station keeping
Psalm 68 The Lord ascendeth up on high
Stabat Mater At the Cross, her station
Weman Sion, praise thy Saviour, singing

Anonymous Be still and know that I am God
Delhi O God of life, whose power benign
Dies Irae (Brown) Day of wrath! O day of mourning
O Mensch Sieh By Jesus' grave on either hand
St. Aidan O God of Life, whose power benign

8.8.8. with Hallelujahs
Vulpius (Gelobt Sei Gott) The strife is o'er,
African-American Spiritual Guide my feet
Israeli Because He died and is risen
St. Aelred Fierce raged the tempest o'er the
White Gates Fierce raged the tempest o'er the
Almsgiving My God, is any hour so sweet
Almsgiving O Lord of heaven and earth and sea
Es Ist Kein Tag Lord God almighty, in Thy hand
Es Ist Kein Tag O Lord of heaven, and earth, and
Gaza For those we love within the veil
Godmanstone Lord we are blind ©
Hanford Jesus, my Saviour, look on me
In Memorium By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored
Kingston (Bell) What shall we pray for those who ©
Labor All labor gained new dignity
Layriz (Ins Feld Geh) My God and Father, while I
Lovest Thou Me Love is the key of life and death
Memoria By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored
Portland O Lord of heaven and earth and sea
Ripponden Of all the Spirit's gifts to me
Southport My God, is any hour so sweet
St. Gabriel God of all grace, Thy mercy send
Threefold gifts Of all the Spirit's gifts to ©
Wellingham From north and south and east and west
Willenhall By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored
Wimbledon My God, My Father, while I stray
American Negro Spiritual We are climbing
Kum Ba Yah Father God in heaven
W. Blow Our life is gloomy
Amor Dei O God of mercy, God of might
Caergybi Drawn to the cross Thou hast blessed
Childhood It fell upon a summer day
Erskine I bow in silence at Thy feet
Fitzwilliam O God of mercy, God of might
Gainsworth Just as I am, without one plea
Howcroft Just as I am, Thine own to be
Isleworth His are the thousand sparkling rills
Misericordia Just as I am, without one plea
Saffron Walden Just as I am
St. Mark's Berkeley What is the crying at
St. Mary Magdalene O God of love, to Thee we bow ©
Trust (Torrance) O Saviour, I have nought to plead
Blairgowrie Away with gloom, away with fears!
Ariel O could I speak the matchless worth
Cornwall Not far beyond the sea, nor high above
Tis Midnight Hour How far from home?
C. Bicknell Come, faithful people, come away
Charing Father, who on man dost shower
Filter Water, blood, and Spirit crying ©
Greenwell I am not skilled to understand
Keston I am not skilled to understand
Old Yeavering Like a mighty river flowing ©
Quem Pastores God the Father throned in splendour
Quem Pastores Jesus, good above all other
Quem Pastores Laudavere Shepherds came, their
M. Nystrom Come to the table of mercy ©
Christi Mutter Stund Vor Schmerzen At the Cross her
A. Randrianjafy Be present at the meeting of Your
L. Bourgeois Come, O Saviour!
John Clements Happy the souls that first believed
Union Harmonist Honour and glory
Avy S. Stanley I loved the badness
Harry D. Clarke Into my heart ©
H.C. Zeuner Jehovah, the patient Father
G.F. Haendel Jesu, Thy righteousness
Union Harmonist Let us thank the creator
W.R. Wagner Lord Creator! Be at our meeting
L. Mason Lord Jesu, our Saviour
Ch. Rasoanaivo Love one another
C. Ramangalahy Open the door of your heart
W. Croft Praise Jehovah
L. Hartsough Saviour and sweet Lord
Rabanus Maurus Spirit Who revives us
B. Gesius The Cross must be remembered
R.W. Dixon The new year is coming again
J.A.P. Schulz Your little ones now come to You
A babe is born Lord, I was blind!
Abends Around the throne of God a band
Abends Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dear
Abney Blest are the humble souls that see
Abschied All Ye That Seek the Lord Who Died
Accrington Praise ye the Lord, 'Tis Good to
Ach Bleib Bei Uns Lord Jesus Christ, with us abide
Adesto Sancta Trinitas Be present, Holy Trinity
Adon Olam Sing now with joy unto the Lord
Aeterna Christi Munera (Rouen) Rejoice! the year
Affection High in the heavens, eternal God
Agincourt Lord God, to you our hearts we raise
Agincourt (Deo Gracias) Creator of the earth and
Alsace High in the heavens, Eternal God
Alstone O grant us light, that we may know
Andernach The royal banners forward go
Andre We've no abiding city here
Angel's Song Jesus, my Saviour, Brother,
Angel's Song My soul, through my
Angel's Song (Song 34) Go, labour on!
Angelus At even, when the sun was set
Angelus Father of heaven, whose love profound
Angelus Forth in the peace of Christ we go
Angel`s Song Among us our beloved stands
Antwerp Be with us, gracious Lord, today
Antwerp Born by the Holy Spirit's breath
Antwerp Forth in Thy name, O Lord
Antwerp Preserve me, Lord, in time of need
Appleton Arm These Thy Soldiers, Mighty Lord
Arizona Behold a Stranger at the door!
Armadale Jesus, who lived above the sky
Armes Soon may the last glad song arise
Arnheim Assembled at Thy Great Command
Auctoritate Saeculi On Jordan's bank the
Babylon's Streams With broken heart and
Balm As Pants the Hart for Water Brooks
Beloit I thirst, thou wounded Lamb of God
Ben Avon All people that dwell on earth
Berkshire High in the heavens, eternal God
Birling Sun of my soul, thou Saviour dear
Birstal Shall I, for fear of feeble man
Blockley Happy the man that finds the grace
Bodmin O thou my soul, forget no more
Bourbon Now let us all with one accord
Bow Brickhill O love of God, how strong and true ©
Breslau He sat to watch o'er customs paid
Breslau O Christ, our true and only light
Breslau We sing the praise of Him who died
Broadmead Sing we a song of high revolt
Broadmead (David's Harp) How blest is life if
Brockham Creator of the stars at night
Bromley O blest Creator of the light
Bromley O Trinity of blessed light
Brookfield It is a thing most wonderful
Calm O breath of God, breathe on us now
Calvisius (Ach Bleib Bei Uns) We sing the praise of
Cameronian Midnight Hymn He wants not friends that
Cannock Nature with open volume stands ©
Cannons O Kind Creator, bow thine ear
Canonbury Lord, speak to me that I may speak
Cathcart Fling out the banner!
Celeste This, this is the God we adore
Church Triumphant I know that my Redeemer lives
Church Triumphant The Lord is King! lift up thy
Church Triumphant We praise, we worship Thee, O God
Cockfield Green (St. Luke) O saving Victim,
Cornish A light from heaven shone around ©
Cornish Spirit of mercy, truth and love ©
Coutances O love, how deep how broad, how high!
Cromer O Christ, our true and only light
Cross Deep Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell
Danby The golden sun lights up the sky
Danby Twas on that night when doomed to know
Daniel Yes, God is good in earth and sky
Das Leiden Des Herrn Father of heaven, whose love
Das Walt Gott Vater Lord Jesus, we give thanks to
Deep Harmony Sweet is the work, my God, my King
Der Tag Bricht An My God! my God! and can it be
Deus Tuorum Militum O love how deep, how broad, how
Deus Tuorum Militum What thanks and praise to Thee
Deus Tuorum Militum (Grenoble) God is a Name my
Deus Tuorum Militum (Grenoble) O God, Thy
Deventer O splendour of God's glory bright
Dickinson College Lord, make us servants of your ©
Didsbury Would Jesus have the sinner die?
Died for love When trouble strikes and fear takes
Doversdale Head of the Church, whose Spirit fills
Du Meiner Seelen The fleeting day is nearly gone
Duke Street I know that my Redeemer lives!
Duke Street Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
Dunedin O Love of God, how strong and true ©
Dunedin (Griffiths) Before the throne of God above ©
Dunedin (Griffiths) Most Holy God, the Lord of ©
Dunstan Just as I am
Dwell Within (Bera) Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly
Eastertime (Sandys) Tis midnight, and on
Easton Among His people God is known
Eden O God! We see Thee in the Lamb
Eignbrook Sweet is the work, my God, my King
Ein Kind Gebor'n What star is this, with beams
Eisenach Father of all! whose powerful voice
Eisenach Love is Your name, dear God
Eisenach O love of God, how strong and true
Elim (Hesperus) Jesus, Thy wandering sheep
Eltham Nature with open volume stands
Eltham O God of love, O King of peace
Ely Pour out Thy Spirit from on high
Erhalt Uns (Rhythmic) When Christ's appearing
Erhalt uns Herr Descend, O Holy Spirit
Erhalt Uns, Herr Lord, keep us steadfast in thy
Erhalt uns, Herr (Spires) The glory of these forty
Fairhill O blessed spring, where Word and sign ©
Federal Street Jesus! and shall it ever be
Federal Street This child we dedicate to Thee
Festus Ye faithful souls who Jesus know
France Hill We see the eyes of Mary shine ©
From Heaven High From heaven high I come to you
Fulda We have a Gospel to proclaim
Fulda (Germany) Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness
Fulda (Walton) Come, sinners, to the gospel feast
Galilee Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove
Galilee Eternal Father, Thou hast said
Gaude, Regina Gloriae Ye clouds and darkness, hosts
Germany God, in the Gospel of His Son
Germany Great God, we sing that mighty hand
God of my life God of my life, through all my days
Gonfalon Royal O God of awesome majesty
Gonfalon Royal O Lord Most High, eternal King
Gonfalon Royal O Saviour of our fallen race
Gonfalon Royal O Spirit of the living God
Gonfalon Royal The eternal gifts of Christ the King
Good Shepherd, Rosemont Come, gracious Spirit, ©
Gottlob, es geht nunmehr zu Ende The death of Jesus
Grace Church O Thou to whose all searching sight
Guidetti The eternal gifts of Christ the King
Hamburg When I survey the wondrous cross
Hawkhurst Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove
Heaton Norris God of my life, through all my days
Hereford Jesus, Thou joy of loving hearts
Hereford O Thou who camest from above
Herongate It is a thing most wonderful
Herr Gott Vater Sun of my soul, thou Saviour dear
Herr Jesu Christ Now that the daylight fills the
Herr Jesu Christ O saving Victim, opening wide the
Herr Jesu Christ (Bach) Arise, O Lord, Our God,
Herr Jesu Christ, Dich Zu Uns Wend Lord Jesus
Herr Jesu Christ, Dich Zu Uns Wend Lord Jesus
Herr Jesu Christ, Dich Zu Uns Wend The Gospel shows
Herr Jesu Christ, Meins Renew me, O eternal Light
Hilariter O Trinity of blessed light
Holly (Holley) Jesus, Thou Joy of loving hearts
Hursley Sun of my soul, thou Saviour dear
Hymnus Eucharisticus See, Father, thy beloved Son
Illsley (Bishop) From all that dwell below the
In Bethlehem In Bethlehem a new-born boy
Intercession O Jesus, crucified for man
Invercarry O Christ, the healer, we have come ©
Jena Now is the healing time decreed
Jesu Corona The fast, as taught by holy lore
Jesu Dulcis Memoria Kind Maker of the world
Jesu Dulcis Memoria O Light of Light (Plainsong)
Justification Praise ye the Lord
Kedron New every morning is the love
Kedron Sunset to sunrise changes now
Kent Where high the heavenly temple stands
Killibegs To us a Child of royal birth ©
Komm Gott Schopfer Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest
Komm, Gott Schopfer O Holy Spirit, by whose breath
Lakewood Forth in Thy name, O Lord, I go ©
Lasus God is the refuge of His saints
Laurel Now that daylight fills the sky ©
Lawiston O Love Divine, that stooped to share
Leighton Martyr of God, whose strength was steeled
Liverpool (Newmarket) Sinners, obey the gospel word
Lledrod Father in heav'n, who lovest all
Lledrod Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness
Lledrod Spirit of God, unleashed on earth
Llef Lord, speak to me, that I may speak
Lobt Gott In Seinem Heiligtum Lord, You have been
Louella Alas! Elisha's Servant Cried
Louvan Lord of all being, throned afar
Lucis Creator O blest Creator of the light
Mainzer Author of faith, eternal Word
Martham O love of God, how strong and true
Maryton Lord of all being, throned afar
Maryton O Master, let me walk with Thee
Mein Seel, O Herr, Muss Loben Dich With holy joy my
Meins Lebens Licht Take up your cross, the Saviour
Melcombe Father, whose everlasting love
Melcombe New every morning is the love
Melcombe O love of God, how strong and true!
Melcombe O Spirit of the living God
Melrose Lord of all nations, grant me grace
Mendon Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove
Mendon Lord of all being, throned afar
Mendon O Spirit of the living God
Missionary Chant Ye Christian heralds, go, proclaim
Mont Richard Not always on the mount may we
Monte Cassino When Christ our Lord
Montesano Ye choirs of new Jerusalem
Morfudd Thou great Creator of the heavens
Morning Hymn Awake, my soul, and with the sun
Motherland Father Divine, I come to Thee
Mozart As Thou, O Lord, Hast Made Me Strong
Mylor A time to watch a time to pray
New Sabbath The heavens declare Thy glory, Lord
New Town Come, O Jesus, Come O Lord
Newcastle (Matthias) Now to the Lord a noble song ©
Newhaven (Luton) Jesus, we on the word depend
Niagara The Lord is King! lift up your voice
Nicomachus How pleasant, how divinely fair
Northcroft Consider how the birds above ©
Norwood We rose today with anthems sweet
Nylunda O God of love, O King of peace ©
O Heiland, Reiss O God, creation's secret
O Heiland, Reiss O heavenly Word, eternal Light
O Heiland, Reiss Die Himmel Auf O Saviour, rend the
O Invidenda Martyrum O boundless Wisdom, God most
O Jesu Christ, mein's Pour out Thy Spirit from
O Jesu Christe, Wahres Licht O Christ, our true and
O Jesus Mi Dulcissime He wants not friends that
O Salutaris The Word of God, proceeding forth
Old 100th All people that on earth do dwell
Old 100th From all that dwell below the skies
Old 100th The Doxology
Olives Brow Tis midnight, and on Olive's brow
Ombersley God of all power, and truth, and grace
Ombersley Head of the Church and Lord of all
Ombersley O love of God, how strong and true!
Oneonta Not always on the mount may we
Ossett Eternal depth of love divine
Otterbourne Brethren in Christ, and well beloved
Palisades Strong Son of God, immortal Love ©
Palmarum Fling out the banner!
Parker Rejoice, the Lord of life ascends
Parker The royal banners forward go
Pater Omnipotens Almighty Father, who dost give ©
Pavia Jesu! The very thought is sweet
Pentecost Fight the good fight with all thy might
Philippine Lord of the home, your only Son
Pixham Forth in Thy Name, O Lord, I go
Plaistow O Jesus Christ, from thee began
Pont Street Glory to God, within the Church
Puer Nobis (adapt Praetorius) On Jordan's
Puer Nobis (Praetorius) That Easter Day with joy
Puer Nobis Nascitur O love how deep, how broad, how
Puer Nobis Nascitur O splendor of God's
Realiter These things did Thomas count as real ©
Redhead No. 4 (Paddington) Jesus, where'er Thy
Repentance Absent from flesh! O blissful thought!
Rest (Bradbury) Asleep in Jesus
Retreat From every stormy wind that blows
Rex Gloriose O glorious King of Martyr hosts
Rex Gloriose The Lamb's high banquet we await
Richard Eternal Glory of the sky
Rimington Father, whose everlasting love
Rimington Give to our God immortal praise
Rimington Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
Risen Christ O breath of God, come fill this place ©
Rivaulx Father of heaven, whose love profound
Rivaulx Nature with open volume stands
Rivaulx You gave us, Lord, by word and deed
Rockhurst When listening prophets dare to speak ©
Rockingham How oft have sin and Satan Strove
Rockingham My God, Thy table now is spread
Rockingham When I survey the wondrous cross
Rosedale Lord, I despair myself to heal
Rouen From east to west, from shore to shore
Rushford Fight the good fight with all thy might
Rushford This day at Thy creating word
Salmon Brook In early morn the glist'ning dew ©
Sarratt All hail, ye little Martyr flowers
Sarratt We sing the praise of Him who died
Saul (Fertile Plains) Eternal Power! whose high
Saxby Lord, I was blind, I could not see
Saxby (Storrs) How do Thy mercies close me round!
Seabury Creation's Lord, we give Thee thanks ©
Shepton-Beauchamp Fight the good fight with all thy
Simeon On all the earth Thy Spirit shower
Soldau Spirit of God, that moved of old
Solemnis Haec Festivitas Now let us sing our praise
Solemnis Haec Festivitas The sinless one to Jordan
Solothurn (Swiss) Give us, O God, the grace to see
Song 34 Forth in Thy Name, O Lord, I go
Song 34 O God of truth, O Lord of might
Song 34 The Word whom earth and sea and sky
Song 5 Strong Son of God, immortal Love
Splendor Paternae Gloriae O splendor of God's
St. Bartholomew Where cross the crowded ways of
St. Crispen Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness
St. Cross O come and mourn with me
St. Drostane Ride on! ride on in majesty!
St. Gregory How shall I follow Him I serve
St. John's Highlands Sinners, obey the gospel
St. Lawrence Behold, the Master Passeth By
St. Luke Jesus, Thou Joy of loving hearts
St. Pancras Eternal Son, eternal love
St. Petrox O Love divine, that stooped to share
St. Polycarp Head of the Church and Lord of all
St. Sepulchre Jesus, Thou joy of loving hearts
St. Venantius Why, impious Herod, shouldst thou
St. Vincent (Neukomm) O saving Victim, opening wide
Stopper Lane Praise ye the Lord! 'tis good to
Suantrai This is my will, my one command
Summercourt From east to west, from shore to shore
Tallis` Canon Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell
Tallis` Canon Glory to thee, my God, this night
Te Lucis Ante Terminum Before the ending of the day
Tender Thought Lord, thou hast searched me
The King's Majesty Ride on! ride on in
The Truth From Above The great forerunner of the
Torquay I know that my Redeemer lives
Truro Christ is alive! Let Christians sing
Truro I know that my Redeemer lives
Truro Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
Truro Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates
Tryggare Kan Ingen Vara Children of the Heavenly
Tugwood Sing we triumphant hymns of praise
Uffingham Creator of the earth and skies
Uffingham O Heavenly Word, Eternal Light
Veni Creator Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
Veni Creator (Tallis) Come, Holy Ghost, our souls
Verbum Supernum Prodiens Now that the daylight
Vermont Almighty Father, who dost give
Vetter Come, Holy Ghost, with God the Son
Vexilla Regis Nova The royal banners forward go ©
Vexilla Regis Prodeunt The flaming banners of our
Vision (Mayor) Speak in the stillness, God we pray ©
Voller Wunder Blessed are the sons of God
Vom Himmel Hoch From heaven above to earth I come
Vom Himmel Hoch (arr Bach) Give heed, my heart,
Vom Himmel Kam Der Engel Schar From east to west,
Vom Himmel Kam Der Engel Schar When Christ's
Wainwright He reigns! the Lord, the Saviour,
Waltham I heard the bells on Christmas day
Waltham Lift up, lift up your voices now
Wareham Now Holy Spirit, ever One with God
Wareham Rejoice, O land, in God thy might
Wareham Your love, O God, has called us here
Warner My sufferings all to thee are known
Warrington Spirit of mercy, truth and love
Warrington We sing the praise of Him Who died
Wendell Thou gracious God, whose mercy lends
Whitburn Jesus! and shall it ever be
Whitehall O Light of light, by love inclined
Whitsun Psalm Born by the Holy Spirit's breath ©
Wilderness Creating God, Your fingers trace
Wilderness Jesus, Redeemer of the world
Williams Yes, God is good - in earth and sky
Wilton O Thou who camest from above
Winchester New Before the Lord's eternal
Winchester New God is the refuge of His saints
Winchester New Lord, we believe to us and ours
Winchester New On Jordan's bank the
Winchester New Ride on! ride on in majesty!
Windham We sing the praise of Him who died
Winscott Lord, you have searched and known my ways
Winterbourne Shepherd divine, thou leadest me
Wo Gott Zum Haus The star proclaims the King is
Woking O sometimes gleams upon our sight ©
Woodworth Just as I am
Woolmer's Sweet is the sunlight after rain
Yellow Bittern See, Christ was wounded for our sake © D
Contrast I long to behold Him arrayed with Alleluias
Lasst Uns Erfreuen All creatures of our God and
Lasst Uns Erfreuen From all that dwell below the
Lasst Uns Erfreuen Give to our God immortal praise with Refrain
Alfreton The heav'ns declare Thy glory, Lord
Det Kimer Nu The happy Christmas comes once more
Die Helle Sonn God calling yet: shall I not hear?
He leadeth me He leadeth me
Ivyhatch The Lord is King!
Solemnis Haec Festivitas O God of mercy, hear us
Sweney More about Jesus would I know
Veni Emmanuel O come, O come, Emmanuel with Repeat
Park Street Before Jehovah's awful thone
Hosanna (Dykes) Hosanna to the Living Lord
Reverence Tis not to ask for gifts alone
Anon I have a Friend whose faithful love
Bax O Love that wilt not let me go
Consecration O Love that wilt not let me go ©
St. Margaret O Love that wilt not let me go
Cowley Hail Thee! Spirit, Lord eternal
Unitas Fratrum Very Bread, good Shepherd, tend us
L.M. Linderman In Jesus' palace
Martin Madan Glory, honour, praise and power
E. Hoff The Lord who has gathered us together
Consécrations et Louanges Bless us, O Jesu
E. Hulton God of the living, in whose eyes
Ph. Phillips O Lord Creator, we thank Your Name
Abingdon Great God, Your love has called us here ©
Aldersgate Street Thou hidden love of God
All Ehr Und Lob Creator Spirit, by whose aid
Anchor Now I have found the ground wherein
Arne's Come, Holy Ghost, all-quickening fire
Beati The saints of God! their conflict past
Bickley I want the Spir't of power within
Bremen Leave God to order all thy ways
Carey Great God of Wonders!
Carey I praised the earth, in beauty seen
Christus Rex Christ is the King! ©
Colchester Come, O Thou traveller unknown
Colchester Jesus, the gift divine I know
Coleraine (Vicenza) Victim Divine, thy grace we
Companion Lord Jesus, in the days of old
Credo We saw Thee not when Thou didst come
Crucifixion (Lambeth) Where shall my wondering soul
Das Neugeborne Kindelein Great God, Your love has
David`s Harp Lord of all majesty and might
Dura Stupendous height of heavenly love
Euphony Victim divine, Thy grace we claim
Exeter Father of men, in whom are one
Falkland Lord God of Hosts, within whose hand
Farmborough Captain of Israel's host, and
Folkingham God of our fathers, known of old
Gesius Jesu, my Lord, my God, my All
Giessen Give me the faith which can remove
Gloucester Come, let us with our Lord arise
Holy Faith All things are possible to him
Jervaulx Abbey The saints of God! their conflict
Lansdown And can it be that I should gain
Leicester (Bedford) O Love divine, what have you
Lest we forget God of our fathers, known of old
Lodsworth Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go
Lusatia I want the Spirit of power within
Madrid (Matthews) Now I have found the ground
Marienlyst Captain of Israel's host, and Guide
Meadville Come, let us with our Lord arise ©
Melita Eternal Father, strong to save
Melita Strong, righteous Man of Galilee
Mount Beacon Leader of faithful souls, and Guide
Mount Sion (Pleyel) Give me the faith which can
Mozart Behold the servant of the Lord!
New 113th Thou hidden Love of God, whose height
Old 112th God of our fathers, known of old
Old 113th I'll praise my maker while I've
Old 113th Thou, Jesus, Thou my breast inspire
Old 117th Lo! God is here! let us adore
Old 23rd Where shall my wandering soul begin?
Plymouth Dock Come, let us with our Lord arise
Poole Come, O thou Traveller unknown ©
Racine Lord God of hosts, whose mighty hand ©
Reading Come, let us with our Lord arise
Rhyd-y-Groes Great God of wonders
Rhyd-Y-Groes O quickly come, great King of all
Ryburn Jesus, Thy boundless love to me ©
Selena O Love Divine, what hast Thou done?
Sidmouth My Saviour, Thou Thy love to me
Sovereignty Great God of Wonders
St. Catherine Creator Spirit, by whose aid
St. Catherine Faith of our fathers
St. Chrysostom Thee will I love, my Strength, my
St. Matthias Father of all, whose laws have stood
St. Petersburg Before thy throne, O God we kneel
St. Petersburg Come, let us with our Lord arise
St. Werbergh Jesus, Thou sovereign Lord of all
Stella Thou hidden source of calm repose
Stella What shall I do my God to love
Strasburg Before Thy throne, O God we kneel
Surrey Creator Spirit, by whose aid
Surrey Jesus, if still the same Thou art
Surrey Spirit of truth, essential God
Sussex Carol On Christmas night all Christians sing
Valete O Jesus, full of truth and grace
Vater Unser (Old 112) O God of our forefathers,
Veni Cito Lo, God is here, let us Adore
Winkworth O Lord, to whom the spirits live
Worsley My heart is full of Christ
Wrestling Jacob Come, O Thou traveller unknown with refrain
Sagina And can it be that I should gain
Macht Hoch Die Tur Lift up your heads, ye mighty
Milwaukee Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates!
Kirken Den Er Et Gammelt Hus Built on the Rock the
Vikki Cook Before the throne of God above ©
Etona God of our fathers, unto thee
Wir Glauben All (Wagner) We all believe in God who
Wir glauben all (Latin Chant) We all believe in one
Ch Rasoanalvo Almighty and powerful Lord
Ramanantsalama Doesn't Jesus belong to me?
P. Nilsen-Lund O Lord Creator, how Glory you have
John R. Sweney On Calvary’s brow my Savior died
D.B. Towner Protect us, O Lord Jesus Christ!
Ratovondrahety Rafihavanana The great kingdom is
Arabia Thou Shepherd of Israel, and mine
Attwood Creator Spirit, by whose aid
Baca Come, gracious, Spirit, heav'nly Dove
Bocking Son of Thy Sire's eternal love
Cantiques Populaires O, come all universe
Contrast (Green Fields) We speak of the realms of
Creation Come sing with me this song of love
Creation The spacious firmament on high
Dan-Y-Graig Caneuon Ffydd - #209
David Rejoice for a brother deceased
Distress We place upon your table, Lord
Earnest Father, give a tranquil spirit
Edom I'll wait in the shadow of my God
Firmament The spacious firmament on high ©
Haven Pray for a world where every child ©
Hymn of Eve (Uxbridge) Away with our sorrow and
Jerusalem Bring to the Lord a glad song
Jerusalem Great God, Your Spirit, like the wind
Jordan The Lord is come! on Syrian soil
Kettering O Master, let me walk with Thee
Lamb of God Your only Son, no sin to hide ©
London (Addison) The spacious firmament on high
Merthyr Tydfil These things shall be: a loftier
Nostre Dieu An image of that heavenly light
O Grosser Gott O God of God, O Light of Light
O Grosser Gott Praise be to Christ, in whom we see
Radiant City O Lord, you gave your servant John ©
Schmucke Dich Feed Thy children, God most holy
Schmuecke Dich Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness
Shepherd Thou Shepherd of Israel, and mine
Sion Come, holy celestial Dove
St. Catherine We have not known thee as we ought
St. Cyprian All glory to God in the sky
St. Peter's Norwalk There is a time for ©
Stanley Lord! it is good for us to be
Subasio Most high powerful and allgood God
Sweet Hour Sweet hour of prayer!
Tallis' Lamentation O Master, it is good to be
Trewen A sovereign protector I have
Wenn Wir In Hochsten Noten Sein All mankind fell in
Wer Da Wonet The hymn for conquering Martyrs raise
Wittenberg New O God, O Lord of heaven and earth ©
Ye Banks and Braes We cannot measure
Twila Paris All that is Good, all that is Right ©
Valerie A. Ruddle May the Sending One sing in you ©
Warwick Lane May the Sending One sing in you ©

Ascendit Deus Father of everlasting grace
Dresden I'll praise my Maker while I've
Eaton O God, how often hath Thine ear
Llangoedmor Christ is the King! O friends rejoice
Monmouth I'll praise my Maker while I've
Stamford Father of everlasting grace
Tarsus O God of God, in whom combine
Ray Boltz I pledge allegiance to the Lamb ©
O Waly Waly When I survey the wondrous cross
Pilgrim's Song The holy and truthful word
J.A.P. Schultz The holy and truthful word
Kyrie O Holy Spirit
Ascension Behold, there came a cloud so bright
Anonymous I hear my risen Savior say
J.W. Van deVenter Look at the birds
There are approximately 1861 hymns listed above.