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Te Deum Proclaim, proclaim the story
Limpsfield We have heard the joyful sound
Psalm 98 Sing a new song to the Lord (Refrain) ©
Brynawel Give your blessing, Holy Spirit
General Seminary King of glory, King of peace ©
Gwalchmai King of glory, King of peace
Rhos-Lan The Divine One waits upon us
So Nimm Denn Meine Hande Lord take my hand and lead
Ray Makeever Bread of life, our host and meal ©
Carol Cymbala Jesus, my Jesus ©
J.L. Bell Take this moment, sign and space ©
American Folk Melody Take this moment, sign and
Langdale Every morning the red sun

O Welt, ich muss dich lassen O Food to pilgrims
G. Ainger Born in the night, Mary's child ©
F.J. Haydn I am Your little one
H. Lahee O Jesus Lord of Life
L.M. Linderman On His throne
Another year Another year is dawning
Cherry Tree Carol Another year is dawning
Christ is my life O heavenly Jerusalem of
Christus, Der Ist Mein Leben For me to live is
De eersten zijn de laatsten Two stalwart trees both ©
Devonshire The year is swiftly waning
Excelsior Looking upward every day
Hambridge In Paradise reposing
Journey A journey like no other ©
Juldagsmorgon When Christmas morn is breaking
Knecht(Kocher) O happy band of pilgrims
Lasst Uns Alle Let us all with gladsome voice
Laur Thou who wakes the birds
Melling Come, Lord, to our souls come down
Paderborn O heavenly Jerusalem
Quedgeley Come, Lord, to our souls come down ©
Shrub End Stay here where nails are driven ©
St. Albans The grave is empty
St. Alphege In full and glad surrender
St. Mary Magdalene Forgive them, O my Father
St. Victor In full and glad surrender
Thule Brief life is here our portion with refrain
W. H. Doane Jesus, keep me near the cross
Monk All things bright and beautiful
Royal Oak All things bright and beautiful
Oasis As water to the thirsty ©
Auf, Auf, Mein Herz Awake, my heart, with gladness
Andujar A stable lamp is lighted ©
Es ist ein `ros A great and mighty wonder
Es ist ein `ros Lo, how a Rose e'er blooming
Rosa Mystica I know a rose-tree springing
Aus Meines Herzens Grunde Arise , O Christian
Helft mir Gott`s Gute To God the anthem raising
Rutherford The sands of time are sinking
Coldrey Jesus, Sun and Shield art Thou
Heaven (Selby) Let the song go round the earth
Das Ist Meine Freude Dost thou truly seek renown
Effingham Open, Lord, my inward ear ©
Herr Christ (Gud Faders) The Only Son from Heaven
Bereden Vag For Herran Prepare the Royal Highway
Amsterdam Meet and right it is to sing
Barnabas Oft I in my heart have said
Flanders Praise the Lord who reigns above ©
Greenville Jesus, faithful to his word
Hatfield Glory be to God on high
Jeshurun None is like Jeshurun's God
Josiah Great is our redeeming Lord
Kelvingrove When You prayed beneath the trees
Kelvingrove Will you come and follow me
Leamington Open, Lord, my inward ear
Pelham God of unexampled grace
Russell Place Praise the Lord who reigns above
Atonement Lamb of God, whose dying love
Elevation Good Thou art, and good Thou dost
Gersau Son of God, if Your free grace ©
St. Dorothea To the haven of Thy breast
Beaumont O Jesus I have promised ©
Wenn Meine Sund When o'er my sins I sorrow
Hominum Amator The day is past and over
St. Anatolius (Brown) The day is past and over
St. Anatolius (Dykes) The day is past and over
St. Theoctistus Jesus, Name all names above
Song of the Holy Spirit A mighty sound from heaven
Commonwealth When wilt Thou save the people?
Kendal When wilt Thou save the people?
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Alleluia, Glory to our
R. Whately Come and let us bow
Ratovondrahety Rafihavanana Jesus is only the
I.D. Sankey Jesus, the true Protector
H.O.C. Zinck Let the children come to Me!
J. Rakotonirainy Lift up our eyes
Traditional German melody O head once full of
Ch. Rasoanaivo O Jesu! Come down to us
Randriamanalina Rombalahivola O Jesu, my Friend
J.H. Burke Our Father, full of loving
M. Teschner (arr J.S. Bach) Our Mighty Lord
A. Rossini Praise, glory, power are to You, Jesu
Voice of Praise The Lord is coming for us
Unknown The night will go away
Rabehiandrana Thou, Lord Jehovah
J. McGranahan Thou, Lord Jehovah
J.H. Burke We, saved by Thee, are meeting here
R. Jackson What happiness, God is calling the
Abertawe A sinner am I, O Lord
Ach Gott vom Himmelreiche The Bridegroom soon will
Ach Gott, vom Himmelreiche Come sing, ye choirs
All Hallows The day of resurrection!
Angels` Story I love to hear the story
Anthes Come unto Me, ye weary, and I will give you
Anthes Today Your mercy calls us
Au Fort De Ma Detresse Our Father's home
Aurelia Another year is dawning
Aurelia I lay my sins on Jesus
Aurelia O Father, all creating
Aurelia O living bread from heaven
Aurelia The Church's one foundation
Ave Virgo Virginum Come, ye faithful, raise the
Befiehl Du Deine Wege (Haydn) Commit whatever
Bentley Come unto me, ye weary, and I will give you
Bentley Sometimes a light surprises
Blomstertid Sometimes a light surprises
Boundless Mercy Come, O Spirit, with Your sound
Bred Dina Vida Vingar In holy conversation we speak
Bremen Another year completed
Brighton O God, whose Voice hath called us
British Grenadiers Hail to the Lord's
Caerlleon We pray thee, heavenly Father
Chung Chi Jerusalem, the Golden ©
Come unto me (Dykes) Come unto Me, ye weary
Commemoration Our Father, by whose servants
Craigmillar O God of every nation ©
Cruger Hail to the Lord's annointed
Cruger I know that my Redeemer
Day of Rest O Jesus I have promised
Dedication Father, let me dedicate
Dies Dominica We pray, Thee, heav'nly Father
Durrow O God, Thou art the Father
Elder Mountain The wise may bring their learning
Ellacombe As when, in far Samaria
Ellacombe O day of rest and gladness
Ellacombe The day of resurrection!
Ellon The Wise May Bring Their Learning
Ely Cathedral For thee, O dear, dear country
Es Flog Ein Kleins Walvogelein From all the
Ewing Descend, O Holy Spirit
Ewing Jerusalem the golden
Fang Dein Werk With the Lord begin your task
Far Off Lands Remember all the people
Freut Euch, Ihr Lieben Hail to the Lord's
Gaudeamus Pariter Let us now our voices raise
Gauntlett As Joseph Was a Walking
Glorification Father, let me dedicate
Good King Wenceslas Come, God's people, sing
Good King Wenceslas Let us now our voices raise
Gosterwood O day of joy and wonder!
Greenland The day of resurrection!
Heber O God, the Rock of Ages
Herzlich Thut Mich Erfreuen O day of rest and
Holmbridge Remember all the people
Homeland The homeland, O the homeland
Ich dank' Dir, Lieber Herre Through
Ich Freu Mich Speak forth Thy Word, O Father
Jubilate O God, the rock of ages
King's Lynn By all your saints still striving
King`s Lynn O God of earth and altar
Knowhead All Who, with Heart Confiding
Komm, Seele O Thou before whose presence
Kuortane For all the faithful women
Lancashire Go forward, Christian soldier
Lancashire Hasten the time appointed
Lancashire Lead on, O King eternal
Light Sometimes a light surprises
Llanfyllin O Jesus I have promised
Llangloffan O Jesus, Thou art standing
Llangloffan Rejoice, rejoice, believers
Llangloffan The night will soon be ending
Llydaw Before thee, God, I am coming
Lob Gott Getrost While morning still is breaking
Lob Gott Getrost Mit Singen Let me be Thine forever
Magdalena I could not do without Thee
Meirionnydd O day of rest and gladness
Merle's Tune O bless the God of Israel ©
Missionary How dearly God must love us
Morning Light (Webb) Stand up, stand up for Jesus
Moville Christ is the world's Redeemer
Munich I lay my sins on Jesus
Munich O Word of God Incarnate
Munich We sing the glorious conquest
Neuadd-lwyd Thanksgiving
Norwick O Jesus I have promised
Nyland By all your saints still striving
Offertorium O Father, we would thank Thee
Oslo Brief life is here our portion
Passion Chorale O sacred Head, once wounded
Pearsall O Thou whose hand hath brought us
Penlan In heavenly love abiding
Petition Sometimes a light surprises
Praetorius Come sing, ye choirs exultant
Prysgol I lay my sins on Jesus
Rhagluniaeth O Lord God of providence
Rhyddid The Son of Consolation!
Rusper Come unto me, ye weary
Rutherford O teach me what it meaneth
Salvatori How dearly God must love us
Sanctuary What joy there is in coming
Savory Chapel To Thee, O dear, dear Saviour
Seasons (Mendelssohn) In heavenly love abiding
St. Catherine (Dale) O Jesus, Thou art standing
St. Hilda O Jesus, Thou art standing
St. John Damascene Come, ye faithful, raise the
St. Theodulph All glory, laud and honor
Stand Up Come, praise the name of Jesus
Sufficientia Entrust your days and burdens ©
Swedish Melody Thy holy wings, dear Saviour
Tempus Adest Floridum Gentle Mary laid her
Thornbury Blessed be the God of Israel
Thornbury O God of all creation
Thornbury Thy hand, O God, has guided
Tours When, His salvation bringing
Valet will ich dir geben Blest be the King whose
Valet Will Ich Dir Geben Farewell I gladly bid thee
Vigil (Haf Trones Lampa Fardig) Rejoice, rejoice,
Watermouth (Angel`s Story) O Saviour, precious
Wavendon O Lord, we want to praise you ©
Weimar (Vulpius) Gentle Mary laid her child
Whitfield I saw the Cross of Jesus
Wie Liebich Ist Der Maien Sing to the Lord of the
Wie soll ich dich empfangen O Lord, how shall I
Wir Pflugen We plough the fields, and scatter
Wohlauf, Thut Nicht Verzagen The Lord and King of
Wolvercote Jesus, we love to meet Thee
Wolvercote O Jesus I have promised
Wolvercote Our Father, by whose servants
Wolvercote The whole wide world for Jesus!
Woodbird Hail to the Lord's annointed
Woodbird (Es Flog Ein Kleins) O day of rest and
Zoan Hail to the Lord's Annointed with refrain
Eaton Square (Hankey) I love to tell the story
Evangel Tell me the old, old story
Geibel Stand up, stand up for Jesus
J. McGranahan Lord full of love
Puer Nobis Unto us a boy is born
Gloria Beneath the Cross of Jesus
St. Christopher Beneath the cross of Jesus
Wilton Square Beneath the cross of Jesus
Alford Ten thousand times ten thousand
Gresham I heard the sound of voices
New England Wherever I may wander
Patmos (Storer) I heard a sound of voices
Sunshine The Beautiful Bright Sunshine

Salvator When the Lord of love was here
Onslow Square Sing a new song to the Lord ©
L.M. Linderman You who are free, acclaim the
Der Mond Ist Aufgegangen The silent moon has risen
Innsbruck The duteous day now closes
O Welt, Ich Muss Dich Lassen Upon the cross

In Allen Meinen Thaten O food of men wayfaring
O Esca Viatorium O Food of men wayfaring
Psalm 6 O Food to pilgrims given

Heiliger Geist Jesus in the olive grove
Holy Ghost Lord, in this Thy mercy's day
St. Phillip Jesus, to Thy table led
Tyholland Jesus, to Thy table led
Camberwell (McMurdie) Christian, seek not yet
Guds Godhet God, my God, in heav'n above
Vigilate Christian, Seek Not Yet Repose
Anderson Holy Spirit, gracious guest ©
Angelus Come to our poor nature's night
Branksome God of pity, God of grace
Capetown Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost
Capetown Three in One, and One in three
Charity Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost
Huddersfield God of pity, God of grace
Troen Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost ©
Vesper (Stainer) God of pity, God of grace
Dambusters`s March God is our strength and refuge ©
J. Ramala Jesu our friend
Agape Jesus, with Thy Church abide
Evelyn Spirit blest, who art adored
Farnaby God the Father, God the Son
Hervey's Litany Jesus, with thy Church abide
Holy Comfort In the hour of my distress
Lebbaeus God the Father, God the Son
Litany of the passion Jesus, with thy Church abide
Peacefield Jesus, Son of God most high
Scheffler Spirit blest, who art adored
Septem Verba Jesus, in Your dying woes ©
St. Katrine Jesus, with Thy Church abide
Swedish Litany Jesus, in Thy dying woes
Ton-Man Jesus, in Thy dying woes
Tres Magi De Gentibus Jesus, with Thy Church abide
Westerly God the Father, God the Son
G. Ramiarison Give me a sweet sleep
J. Ramala Hallelujah, we honour You
Ch. Rasoanaivo If the unhappiness is hard
Christian Psalmist O Father! Show us Thy mercy
J.D. Farrer We are now meeting, our Lord Jehovah!
Alcester Bright and Joyful Is the Morn
Aletta Holy Bible, book divine
Aus der Tiefe rufe ich Forty days and forty nights
Bingham Morning glory, starlit sky ©
Boyce Praise we now the word of grace
Brandenburg Life of ages, richly poured
Buckland Forty days and forty nights
Buckland Granted is the Saviour's prayer
Campian Hark, my soul! it is the Lord
Canterbury Holy Spirit, Truth divine
Catherine Holy Father, God of might
Cecilia Jesus loved each little child
Celestial Dove Holy Spirit, while we bend
Christ Chapel Come, my soul, thy suit prepare
Christus Holy Spirit, truth Divine
Consecration Take my life, and let it be
Culbach Life of ages, richly poured
Da Christus Geboren War Father, let Thy kingdom
Dent Dale Spread, O spread, Thou mighty Word
Easter Hymn Jesus Christ is risen today
Emma Morning glory, starlit sky ©
Ephraim Clap your hands, you people all
Ephraim Father, let Thy kingdom come
Ever Faithful Let us with a gladsome mind
Freuen Wir Uns Holy Jesus! God of love!
Gentle Jesus (Shaw) Lamb of God, I look to Thee
Gott Sei Dank Jesus! Name of wondrous love
Gott sei Dank On this day, the first of days
Gott Sei Dank Spread the reign of God the Lord
Gott Sei Dank Spread, O spread, thou mighty word
Halle See the destined day arise!
Hart's Come and let us sweetly join
Harts Captains of the saintly band
Heinlein Forty days and forty nights
Hendon Take my life, and let it be
Himmel, Erde, Luft Und Meer O Lord Jesus, hand in
Hochster Priester Spread, O spread, thou mighty
Hollingside Take my life, and let it be
Horsham Thine for ever! God of love
Innocents Gentle Jesus, meek and mild
Keine Schonheit Had Die Welt Advent tells us,
Kenosis Morning glory, starlit sky ©
Lauds There's a spirit in the air ©
Lew Trenchard Holy Spirit, Truth divine
Llandaf Come, Sovereign Lord, down
Louez Dieu Jesus! Name of wondrous love
Lubeck Holy Spirit, Truth divine
Luebeck/Lubeck Spread, O spread, thou mighty Word
Lung Mun Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare ©
Lyne Hark, my soul, how everything
Meng Jiang Nu Heavenly Lord of mercy and power
Mercy Holy Spirit, Light divine
Monkland Let us with a gladsome mind
Newington Thine for ever! God of love
Northampton Songs of praise the angels sang
Nottingham Take my life and let it be
Nun Komm Let the earth now praise the Lord
Nun Komm Saviour of the nations, come
Nun Lasst Uns Geh'n Servant of God, remember
Nuremberg Praise to God, immortal praise
Orientis Partibus Jesus comes with all His grace
Orientis Partibus (St. Martin) Conquering kings
Orientis Partibus (St. Martin) Father, Lead me day
Orinda Good Teacher, at the beginning of the day ©
Palestine God the Father, be Thou near
Patmos Take my life and let it be
Petersfield Hark, my soul! It is the Lord
Pleyel's Hymn Children of the heavenly King
Posen Father, lead me day by day
Redhead 47 When our heads are bowed with woe
Sabbatsdag Blessed day of rest and cheer
Savannah Jesus comes with all His grace
Savannah Love's redeeming work is done
Selnecker Awake, my heart, and render
Seymour Depth of Mercy! can there be
Seymour Softly now the light of day
Shimpi Why has God forsaken me? ©
Song 13 Giver of the perfect gift
Song 13 Jesu, grant me this, I pray
St. Bees Hark, my soul! it is the Lord
St. Bees Sing, my soul, His wondrous love
St. Martin`s Come Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove
St. Prisca When our heads are bowed with woe
Staples Once again, dear Lord, we pray
Supplication Father, lead me day by day
The Call Come, my way, my truth, my life
Theodora (Handel) Jesus, Lord, we look to Thee
Toa Sia Our true Lord God created all
Trull Children of the heavenly King
Tucker When Jesus died to save us
Tunbridge Sinful, sighing to be blest
University College Oft in danger, oft in woe
Vienna Captain of the saintly band
Vienna Now may He, who from the dead
White Ladies Aston Hark, my soul! it is the Lord with Hallelujahs
Ascension Hail the day that sees Him rise
Easter Hymn Christ, the Lord, is risen today
Llanfair Jesus Christ is risen today
Wurtemberg Hail the day that sees Him rise with refrain
China Jesus loves me!
Gloria (Iris) Angels we have heard on high
Infant Praise Children of Jerusalem
Sonne Der Gerechtigkeit At the Lamb's high with refrain
Evening Praise Day is dying in the west
Birdsong Lovely in your littleness ©
Maoz Zur Praise our great and gracious Lord
Shining Day We thank you, Lord of Heaven
Hendon Ask ye what great thing I know
Wollt Ihr Wissen Would you know what most I prize
Lux Prima (Macfarren) Jesus, Sun of Righteousness
Jasmine Fair and Holy Jesus Name!
W. D. Maclagan Bread of heaven, on Thee we feed
M. Williamson Christ, whose glory fills the skies ©
A. Rakotovao Did such affliction happen before?
Ajalon/Redhead/Petra Go to dark Gethsemane
Ajalon/Redhead/Petra God, be merciful to me
Ajalon/Redhead/Petra Gracious Spirit, dwell with me
Ajalon/Redhead/Petra Rock of Ages
Barmouth At Thy feet, O Christ, we lay
Bread of Heaven Jesus the good Shepherd is
Cassel Gracious Spirit, dwell with me
Charterhouse (Cooper) When our caring love wears
Christopher (Ihr Gestirn') Bread of heaven, on
Dix As with gladness, men of old
Dix For the beauty of the earth
Dix Gracious Spirit, dwell with me
Dix Praise to God, immortal praise
England`s Lane For the beauty of the earth
Floyd He who by a mother's love ©
Fred Til Bod Christ, whose glory fills the skies
Gethsemane (Dykes) Jesus the good Shepherd is
Heathlands Christ, whose glory fills the skies
Heathlands God of mercy, God of grace
Jesu, Jesu, du mein Hirt Bread of heaven, on
Ji Le Yin Nature glows with colours rare
Llyfnant Go to dark Gethsemane
Lucerna Laudoniae Glory to our boundless God
Lucerna Laudoniae God of mercy, God of grace ©
Lux Prima Christ, whose glory fills the skies
Ministres De L'Eternel Christ, whose glory
Mount Zion O give thanks to Him who made
Nicht so Traurig Throned upon the awful Tree
Noricum For the beauty of the earth
Nutbourne When Thy soldiers take their swords
Orient As with gladness men of old
Palgrave Gracious Spirit, dwell with me!
Pressburg When this passing world is done
Pressburg (Nicht So Traurig) Now the
Ratisbon Christ, whose glory fills the skies
Spanish Hymn Christ, whose glory fills the skies
St. Athanasius Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts
St. John At Thy feet, O Christ, we lay
Sunrise At Thy Feet, O Christ
Te Laudant Omnia All things praise Thee, Lord most
Toplady Rock of Ages
Truro (Miller) Ye that do your Master's will
Webbe Holy Spirit, font of Light
Wells, Wellspring Sinners Jesus will receive
Wells, Wellspring Till He come
O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig Lamb of God, pure and
O Lamm Gottes O Lamb of God most holy!
Glorious Coming When the Lord in glory comes ©
Thine Thine the amen, Thine the praise ©
Pax Now the laborer's task is o'er
Requiescat Now the labourer's task is
J.B. Dykes Don't lose your hope
Ph. Razafindraraoty Give me a pure heart
Rakotonjanahary Jesus, we are facing You
Aberystwyth Holy Spirit, Lord of love
Aberystwyth Jesus, lover of my soul
Aberystwyth Our God loves us, for He gave
Aberystwyth Saviour, when in dust to Thee
Aberystwyth Watchman, tell us of the night
Anima Christi (English) Soul of Jesus, make me
Benevento What are these arrayed in white
Charlton Take my life, and let it be ©
Everlasting Love Loved with everlasting love
Hollingside Jesus, lover of my soul
Hotham Fainting soul, be bold, be strong
Ives Take my life, and let it be
La Grange Wild and lone the prophet's voice ©
Leach (Morrison) Come, and let us sweetly join ©
Loughborough College Loved with everlasting love
Love Feast Let us join - 'tis God command
Maidstone Lord, from Whom all blessings flow
Maidstone Pleasant are Thy courts above
Martyn Jesus, lover of my soul
Messiah Come, ye weary sinners, come
Mountain Heights Where do Christmas songs begin?
Mueller Loved with everlasting love
Rex Hail Redeemer, King Divine
Riley Songs of praise the angels sang
Sabbath Safely through another week
Salzburg Songs of thankfulness and praise
Salzburg-Hintze At the Lamb's high feast we
Spanish Chant Saviour, when in dust to thee
St. Edmund Songs of thankfulness and praise
St. George's Windsor Christ, the Lord, is
St. George's Windsor Come, ye thankful people,
Syria Holy Lamb, who Thee confess
Syria Meet and right it is to praise
Thanksgiving Lord, our Lord, Thy glorious Name
Tichfield Lord, from Whom all blessings flow
Watchman Watchman, tell us of the night with refrain
Mendelssohn Hark! The herald angels sing
Randrianjafy Abe The call full of love
Irene Come to our poor nature's night
Laying Down We will lay our burden down ©
Man of Sorrows Man of Sorrows! what a name

St. George's Windsor See how great a flame
Veni Sancte Spiritus Come, Thou Holy Spirit, come
Joy Webb When I'm feeling down and sad ©
Johann M. Haydn Thy name we love, Lord Jesus
Hosanna Immeasurable God of providence
Dejlig Er Den Himmel Blaa The heaven is beautiful
Weil Ich Jesu Schaflein Bin I am Jesus' little
Mountfitchet God is the giver of love ©
W. L. Pelz Stay with us, till night has come ©
R. Ratovondrahety The words of God are alive and with hallelujahs
St. Albinus Jesus lives! your terror now
Seward Jesus on the mountain peak ©
Morgenglanz Der Ewigkeit Hear us, Father, when we
L.M. Lindeman Let us thank the Lord Creator
Grosser Gott Holy God, we praise Thy Name
Jesu, Meine Zuversicht Jesus lives, and so shall I
Jesus, Meine Zuversicht Jesus lives! The
Life Jesus, life of all the world
Luise Let Thy Blood in mercy poured
Luneburg Light of light, enlighten me
Meinen Jesum Come, Thou precious Ransom, come
Meinen Jesum (Ulich) Thee, O Jesus, I'll not
Ratisbon Love of love, and Light of light
Te Deum Holy God, we praise Thy Name
Retirement God is hope and God is now!
Jesus Ist Das Schonste Licht Saviour, who didst
Liebster Jesu Book of Books, our people's
Liebster Jesu (St. Mark) Blessed Jesus, at Your
St. Mark (Liebster Jesu) Blessed Jesus, here
S. Rabary Look at Golgotha
J. Kugelmann Let us thank the Lord Creator
Yi-Jun Cai Come let us praise the Lord ©
Jesu Meines Glaubens Zier It is finished! Christ
Sebastian It is finished! Christ hath known
There are approximately 623 hymns listed above.